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I Can Afford an iPhone But Not Rs. 75000 To Trade

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People are willing to spend money on costly items but are not willing to invest money where money can be made.

Today I got this email from a subscriber who has an iPhone but does not have a minimum of 75000 to trade my strategies.

See this:

Received email on 24-Aug-2016

Received email on 24-Aug-2016

This is what he wrote:


Hello Sir,

Hope you are doing well.

I have read your profile and your course details and I am interested in it. But I have concerns as below.
Actually I don’t have ₹75000 as initial investment amount which is mentioned in the details.
Do you have any strategy which works for less than 50k as initial startup?

Sent from my iPhone

My point of living life is very simple. Spend on what you can afford. Live below your means and you will surly get rich in few years by saving money and investing it in right instruments in a few years.

An iPhone costs anywhere between 30,000 to 50,000 – this is not a small amount to buy a mobile phone which you can lose the next day you bought. But when it comes to showing off their wealth people are happily spending money to show off. And when it comes to investing in a business they say they cannot afford the money.

When a Rs. 10,000 phone can do the same job as a Rs. 50,000 phone why in the first place spend Rs. 40,000 extra? Just to show off to your friends? Is that a valid reason to spend money? When you go into debt will this same friends will give you money to help? No. They will tell you to sell your iPhone and clear the debt. Then you will realize your mistake.

This guy wants to trade and make money with only Rs. 50,000 but is willing to spend the same amount to buy just a mobile phone. With Rs. 50,000 a family can buy two mobile phones worth 5000, 1 refrigerator worth 10,000, one LED TV worth 15,000 and still be left with 50000-5000-5000-10000-15000 = Rs. 15,000/-.

Isn’t this silly? Please understand that just making money is not enough. In this costly world saving money is also important. If to save money a sacrifice of only show off is required then do it immediately. Buy things that you can afford easily and you really require it.

If this guy is very rich person then an iPhone is fine like my brother in law has but he is in Merchant Navy earning USD $7000 a month. Then buying an iPhone makes sense. But if you have only 50,000 to spare and you are buying a phone worth 50,000 I can bet you will never get rich because you do not have this habit to control expenses.

Let us take an example of what savings can do to your life.

Imagine a person earning 1 crore a year and spending 1 crore. He is left with ZERO savings in a year. Compare this with a person earning 12 Lakhs a year and saving 6 Lakhs. At the end of year 1 the person earning 12 lakhs will become richer by 6 Lakhs compared to the person earning 1 crore a year. After 10 years the person earning 1 crore a year will be left with ZERO balance in his bank account and the person earning 12 Lakhs a year will have saved 6*10 = Rs. 60 Lakhs.

Lets compound this at just 10% a year. 6 Lakhs invested every year and giving a return of 10% a year goes on to become Rs. 1,20,74,945.71 (Rs. 1 Crore 20 Lakhs 74 Thousand 945.71). In 20 years it will become Rs. 4,18,37,999.64 (Rs. 4 Crores 18 Lakhs 37 Thousand 999.64). After 30 years by the time they retire it becomes Rs. 11,90,35,696.34 (Rs. 11 Crores 90 Lakhs 35 Thousand 696.34). Note that I have not even taken into consideration more savings as his salary grows with experience and age. Probably his savings will reach more than Rs. 15 Crores. How many retire with Rs. 15 Crores in their savings? Very few, even though earning 12 Lakhs a year has become very common in India. Heck even people earning 18 Lakhs a year do not retire with 15 Crores in their savings – they have probably a few lakhs or just 1 crore. So mostly they fall in the category of the one above where I have said that person earns one crore a year and saves nothing because showing off wealth is more important to him than saving money for his and his families future.

Unfortunately more than 70% fall in this category that’s the reason you see old people though who had a good job depending on their kids to live a life. Who is to blame for this situation? They themselves. They realize this after retirement but unfortunately their time has gone and they cannot do anything about it now. You ultimately get what you deserve.

Forget about 10% a year with my course imagine making just 20% a year and saving just 3 lakhs per year on trading. By the time you retire in 30 years this will go on to become Rs. 49,66,90,258.98 (Rs. 49 Crores 66 Lakhs 90 Thousand and 258.98). I have not even counted the extra money that you can keep in liquid funds, fixed deposits or PPF etc.

But I get phone calls on a regular basis of traders losing money since years. All this is because you cannot control your greed and want to make more for no reason at all. Many people keep their phone down as soon as I say 3% return a month is possible.

Let me tell you very clearly making more than 3% a month even 2% a month is a great amount if compounded for years. Calculate the profits had you made on just 24% a year on the money you invested in stock trading and lost. Now add that profits to your losses as well. If the profits was 50 Lakhs and you lost 20 Lakhs then your real loss is 50+20 = 70 Lakhs and add 7% inflation there as well which will increase your losses not reduce. Did you see the results of trying to make 10% a month from trading? This punishment comes from heaven – when there are people working so hard to make their end meet why should Gods give you a 10% return a month trying to work from home or office in an air-conditioned room? Money goes to the one who works hard, is patient and willing to wait for years to become rich not to one who hits hard and keep trading especially intraday trading to make 10-20% return a year. 99% of Intraday traders lose money but still keep trying for years. Then quit trading after losing lakhs and take a job. They were running away from job and here you go after losing lakhs they are begging for jobs.

The whole point of writing this article is that manage your money well. You must make a plan of your investments and stick to it. If savings means you need to sacrifice eating in restaurants then do it. Your future is more important than eating and then shitting the next day your money down the drain. What I am trying to say is if you do not plan your finances well you will suffer one day. Do not let that day come in your life start saving now. There is no tomorrow.

Hope you get the point of this article and start saving. If any questions please ask in the comments section below or reply to this email.

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About the author: Dilip Shaw I started trading stock markets since 2007. However my first 3 years were losses. Then I dedicated almost 1 year on studying, researching, paper trading options and learned a lot in that time. Since 2011 I am trading Nifty options profitably. Call me if you need any help trading options on 9051143004.

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  • Kaisar Imam August 24, 2016, 6:40 pm

    Trading is about mindset even greatest traders of world did not had return of more than 2% on their trades how a normal trader can have. most successful traders have accuracy of around 60% in their trades and novice traders aims at being successful 95%. Time will tell this is not possible and market will teach him trading.

    • Dilip Shaw August 25, 2016, 12:50 pm

      Absolutely correct Kaisar. This is what I want to avoid this through my website that is the reason I keep writing articles on these things. But do not think it will change until people learn to control their greed. What can One Man Army do?
