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Nifty Looking Stable and VIX Dropped But Stable

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The outlook of Nifty is looking stable for next few days and VIX also looking stable.

I feel that due to sudden rise in Nifty now for sometime stability will remain. This is quite natural. When heavy rains come for 2-3 days then for weeks we do not see rains. Similarly when a storm comes and goes away, it does not come for months. The case is same with Financial Markets. After a lot of Volatility comes stability.

These things ignites the big market reviewers – they start sending emails or SMS on “see how markets are growing so fast up now, pay us to know which is the next stock or option that will double your money in weeks”. There are many greedy traders in markets who fall for this and pay these people, who laugh all the way to their banks. Then you also know what happens to their money.

My point is very simple: Tell me with a guarantee where you will be in 30 days from now? If your answer is I do not know, then who are you to know where Nifty will be in 30 days? No one can say this with a Guarantee. I Guarantee this. If there is some one who can Guarantee this please write in comment section where Nifty will be on 03-Oct-2016? (01-Oct-2016 falls on Saturday, Nifty will be closed.)

When I went out with my wife and kids at home on 20th April 2016, I never imagined I will meet with a near death accident. Had I known I would have never went out and escaped that accident. When you cannot do a Technical Analysis on your own life how can you do that on something you do not have any control on?

Doctors and Gods saved me that is fine, but as far as financial implications are concerned I got back almost all the money via the medical insurance. The bill was Rs. 2 Lakhs but I got back 1.5 Lakhs, so more or less I had to pay just Rs. 50,000 to save my life. This is nothing but hedging.

I had to only pay the difference between final losses and profits from the hedge. So instead of losing 2 lakhs I lost only 50,000 in the deal. That’s the reason I do not trade without any hedge. There is no guarantee where the markets will go tomorrow so why take a chance?

Let other Technical Analysts say whatever they want, I do not even read or listen to them. I know I am happy with the small profits and not willing to take a huge loss and this money is enough to fulfill my needs, then what is the reason to fall for greed and try useless tactics to make more money?

Almost every day I get at least 5 emails, phone calls or WhatsAapp messages requesting me to join with them as partners and make more money – I reject immediately. I do not even go to their websites and waste my time. And I request them not to contact me again. In fact I am writing this email after rejecting two offers for collaboration today morning itself. One through WhatsApp and then through a phone call.

My philosophy of life is very simple – You can cheat people (human beings and or animals), but you cannot cheat Gods – not even in your sleep. I fear Gods a lot so will never do anything through this site or my emails which may harm my subscribers. One day his punishment will come and you cannot escape that. In fact if you are losing money from speculative trading then beware that Gods are punishing you for being greedy trying to make money without working hard. Those who never work hard never make money, in fact they lose money.

So whether it’s your job, business or stock trading please learn to work hard. I guarantee you within months your life will become better. Not only you will make more money, your health will improve and your confidence level will go up. This has a compounding effect. If you keep working hard, more opportunities will come your way and the speed of your life becoming better will immensely increase. 🙂

In fact this is exactly I tell to people who inquire about my option course that if you pay, please understand that you will have to work hard, start reading, understand the strategies with my help, then paper trade, then start trading. All this requires hard work. If you are not willing to work hard and are looking for tips please do not pay and go to any tip provider. Then one day when you will lose lots of money, you will come back to me.

Fact is it has actually happened to a lot of my free subscribers who later after paying to tips providers and losing money call me back after 1 year or so, then say Sir you were right – in greed to make 100% per month we paid to tips providers and lost lakhs of rupees in few months only. Now we realize our mistake and understand making less money but with hard work is better than falling for greed and losing money. And instantly pay for the course.

Anyway I have told you the reality. Now the ball is in your court which path you want to travel – path of hard work and contentment or greed, excitement and losses. Choice is yours.

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About the author: Dilip Shaw I started trading stock markets since 2007. However my first 3 years were losses. Then I dedicated almost 1 year on studying, researching, paper trading options and learned a lot in that time. Since 2011 I am trading Nifty options profitably. Call me if you need any help trading options on 9051143004.

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  • Sandeep September 1, 2016, 1:19 pm

    Nice Article and well written.


  • Bhhavya Gogri September 1, 2016, 4:24 pm

    Trading with Futures was a greedy mistake. Lesson learned with quick losses, still recovering the losses slowly by conservative option strategies in your course. It’s taking time, but profit hai. Thanks.
