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PNB Scam has pulled Markets Down, its better not to trade/buy banking stocks now.

But there is a way to turn your fears into trading profits. I am currently writing an article on it, will be live tomorrow or day after. Will let you know when live.

Well its was made live on February 21, 2018, you can read it here.

Markets are still awaiting the full description of the PNB scam, after that markets may bounce back.

India VIX is on higher range means fear is still there in markets due to PNB scam.

If you are a non-directional trader its a great time to trade, hard for directional traders as directional is not clear.

If you want to be a non-directional trader and make profits in 80% of your trades you can do my Conservative Non-Directional Options Course and make monthly income for the rest of your life without taking tips from anyone or without any speculative trading. No need to spend too much time watching the markets.

Just a small one time fee will change your trading career for ever. This course has helped many traders since 2015. See testimonials yourself.


If you want a PDF version of this post to read offline you can download it here. You can share it with your friends as well.

If you are a new trader you must be struggling as a stock trader to make profitable trades. This article will give you 10 good tips to make your trading career successful.

In short, three things are very important to be a successful trader:

1. 100% Control over Greed and Fear,
2. Proper Planning in Trades, and
3. Proper Risk and Financial Management of Your Portfolio.

Without control over the above-written points, it’s almost impossible to become a good trader. Treat your trading career as a job.

Here are some more important tips to become a successful trader:

4. Focusing is Important:

Like an eagle, you must be focused on all your trades. This is the reason you should take a maximum of three strategies at any given time frame. If anything is more than three, you will lose focus. For example, if in one strategy there are three-four trades interlinked to each other – the total trades become more than 9 or 10. Anything more than that will be hard to manage.

Record all your trades, then narrow down to the ones that work best for you.

5. Use Moving Averages:

For most of my trade setups, I use moving averages. I am a very SIMPLE TRADER so I go for Simple Moving Averages. A Simple Moving Average (SMA) is an arithmetic moving average calculated by adding the closing price of the security for several periods and then dividing this total by the number of periods.

I look for a 20-day SMA which is good for short-term targets, and 50 day SMA which is good for long-term targets. On top of that, I do proper financial management also. For example how much to invest for a particular trade/investment. Some take a larger portion, some smaller, and some average depending on what my research concluded.

The above combined simplifies my profit and losses. For example, say if I take a very small risk in stock and am willing to exit in profit only, then my maximum holding period is 6 months. But if the risk is large, then, of course, I keep a strict stop loss and when profits come I keep a trailing profit booking system to maximize the profits.

It’s VERY HARD to describe exactly what I do else I would have made a course on lots of things to make money from stock markets.

Now what I will say you won’t believe – for me making money from stock markets is now VERY EASY. I fail to believe why 99% of traders lose money when there are some very easy ways to make money. I feel strange that why I also lost money when I started trading. It looks small but that 7 lakhs were 95% of my total net worth. 🙁 To survive I had to take a personal loan of 1 lakh.

Anyway, it’s now easy for me to make money from the stock markets. One of the easiest of them is already in my option course. In the course you will learn hedging options with options, hedging future with options and hedging equities with options. As far as hedging is concerned my course will teach you all the best ways to hedge Options, Futures and Equities making sure if you follow you will make small profits consistently, losses if ever be very small due to hedging.

I also invest and trade mutual funds, invest in short-term stocks & long-term stocks with different risk management. There are so many ways to make money from the stock markets but it’s very hard to teach all of them to all of the people, so I have just limited it to my course. By doing it at least you will also start making profits. Making profits is more important than losing money – how much ever the profits do not matter. If profits are consistent, you can compound and make huge money over time.

6. Study Different Time Frames:

Especially if you are an Intraday day trader you need to study different time frames. Some stocks perform better on 5 minutes charts, some on 30 minutes and some on hourly charts. For volatile charts, 5 minutes is better, and for slow movers, a longer time frame needs to be studied.

Daily chart patterns are the best way to analyze a stock move because it tells the bigger picture.

7. Learn to Manage Your Risk:

I have said this earlier and repeated it. Different trades need different setups and risks involved. Risk does not just mean the stop loss but it also means what percentage of your portfolio you are going to invest in a trade.

Remember that no strategy is a guaranteed winner – the risk is involved, so you have to decide how much to risk.

Proper risk management means sticking to stop losses, sticking to targets, and risking a small portion of your account on every trade. If you are a new trader it’s better not to risk more than 5% on a single trade of your portfolio.

With proper risk management rules, you can be right half the time and still make money trading.

8. Keep a Good Trading Plan:

Your trading plan should come with a reason. Before taking a trade ask yourself – what makes you take this trade? If the answer you give to yourself satisfies you then take the trade. If the answer is because a tip provider said so, or a broker said so, then do not trade.

Your trading plan must have a solid reason.

9. Your Mental Capital & Mental Health, Are Important:

Your mental capital is as important as the capital in your trading account. By mental capital, I mean control over your emotions – fear and greed and any other emotion that can destroy your trading plan.

Losing your focus means losing money.

An easy way to waste your mental capital is revenge trading. DO NOT TRADE TO TAKE REVENGE ON STOCK MARKETS. Stock markets do not know or even Warren Buffet – so why do revenge trading? The stock market is a non-living thing. If you trade to take revenge on stock markets you will destroy yourself, not the stock markets.

10. It Is Good To Have A Mentor For Help In Trade Set-Ups:

If you are a new or even experienced trader and losing money trading, it is better to get a mentor. Trading by yourself can be challenging and it will increase your time taken to learn good strategies. Finding a trading mentor is essential for your trading success. If you can get a mentor you will avoid trading mistakes yourself and save a lot of money that you can lose by speculative trading. You can learn from your mentor’s experience without suffering yourself. Finding a good mentor will save you years of suffering and lakhs of rupees wasted on researching yourself.

I hope this email will help you a lot in becoming a better trader.

P.S: If you want to trade without too much stress and want to scale the trading profits, then you can do my conservative trading course for monthly income. After payment, you will receive files in your email to study and trade. These are well-explained strategies explained in a step-by-step manner, with examples like how to manage the trade etc.

The Course: Learn How To Trade Options Conservatively For Monthly Income – Based on Nifty Monthly & Weekly Options and Futures.

Here are 100+ Testimonials, the minimum required is 50,000/- and the Return On your Investments, will be over 36% a year!!!

My support will be there for one year on Call/WhatsApp/Email. Since the strategies are hedged you can trade with whatever amount you want (losses are limited to 1.5% of capital deployed). Approx returns will be 3-5% a month. The success rate is 70-80%. Will work in any market condition. Do not worry if you do not understand anything in the document, you can contact me to understand the strategies well.

Click here to pay the fee onlineStart learning the strategies before your losses mount to many lakhs. After payment, I will send the strategies to your email. You can read and ask me questions to clear any doubts. You will get support on live trading as well for one year from the date of payment.

NOTE: These ZERO COST Discount Brokers DO NOT charge any fee to Buy and Sell Stocks. For F&O only 20 per order not per lot.

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On Feb 6, 2018 I had told my newsletter subscribers to buy stocks because Nifty may reverse anytime. See what happens after I send newsletters:

Exactly after that see how Nifty has rallied:

Today already 124 points up.

However these are sent occasionally not regularly.

If you want to make regular profits and not depend on my free newsletters you can do my course.

Learn to trade yourself, it will help you for life. Do not depend on anyone else – especially tip providers as they will not make you money. Moreover can you get tips and become rich? Can you trade 10 lakhs on someone tips? You will keep paying someone or many people for months if you go for tips and you will lose money plus still not be able to trade on your own.

Depending on someone’s tip to trade is a blunder. Educate yourself and became a better trader


Bulls Are In After A Fall

After the Budget 2018, the 10% Long Term Capital Gains (LTCG) Tax news got the traders angry and bears took over.

After a great fall finally slowly stability has come. Bulls have entered, but still these are fearful bulls. India VIX has dropped. Its 9.37 am on 07-Feb-2018, when I saw. It can change anytime if you are reading this late.

You can start buying good stocks, or go for call options with proper hedge.

You can learn hedging in my option course. If you hedge there will not be any tension or stress. Otherwise you can be at unlimited loss or huge loss.

Do not try futures now as VIX is still high. You will see premiums of futures also high. High futures premium will also lose some time value plus 19+ VIX is dangerous to trade futures.

Those who have done my course can go for the directional strategy with proper hedging. Markets may recover fast.

Update on 23-Feb-2018:

Markets are actually recovering fast:

Graph of Nifty EOD 23-Feb-2018


Since last 2 days stock markets have fallen a lot. From 11500 to 10500 is a great fall.

Do not forget that What Comes Down Has To Go Up is a great Mantra to trade and make money in stock markets.

Pic updated on 15-Feb-2018:

Nifty Fall Feb 2018

Now is the time to buy stocks not trade. Some great stocks have fallen and its time to accumulate them.

Look out for large-caps not mid-caps. Large-caps recover faster than mid-cap stocks. If you want a list of good large caps that you can invest for long term you can contact me.

Today, India VIX is very high 33% up and above 21.

Do not trade until it comes down to 16-17.

By next week it should come down.

Update on 15-Feb-2018 – India VIX has indeed come down below 17:

India VIX EOD 15-02-18

You can see latest India VIX here.

What is the role of India VIX in option trading?

It has a big role to play in deciding the option premiums.

Higher the VIX, higher the premiums. If VIX drops option premiums also drop.


Today Nifty is seeing Amazing Fall – DO NOT TRADE. Its very dangerous to trade when stock markets are falling sharply.

The reason is pretty simple – you take a short position and suddenly government releases a good news to arrest fall of markets and your trade will stop out.

Check my earlier emails (if you are my newsletter subscriber). I had said clearly to be safe many times.

Hope you listened and stopped trading before Budget Day 2018.

10% Long Term Capital Gains announced in the Budget is the problem for fall.

Anytime buyers will get in and when recovery will come it will be sharp too.

Update on 15-02-2018:

Buyers are already back, see this:

Nifty Bounce-back after fall on 5th Feb 2018

Do not trade anything until 12-Feb-2018.

Its better to be safe and wait for things to get clear after a major event.

Keep your money safe until its not a good time to trade. When opportunity comes start trading.

If you are my course subscriber, I will send you email when to start trading.

Controlling yourself to trade is also a BIG WIN over your emotions.

As a trader you must learn to control emotions.

You know what, since I was out of all derivative trades (not long term investments), by 30-Jan-18 itself, I will not even look at Nifty anymore after writing this post.

Why I did not exit my long term investments?

Because they are long term, not short term. Short term volatility – I am least bothered. Let them go down 5-8% I still do not care. I know with time since they are good investments they will come up. If you want to know the six stocks I have invested for the long term you can email me.

Who will help me to make money?

DIIs, FIIs and retail traders 🙂

Good stocks have a limit of fall (unlike Satyam), after that limit is reached they will be up again. Thanks to DIIs, FIIs for it. 🙂

Coming back:

Nifty right now is 10675.

Can you see how market pundits who speak a lot on TV (business channels) and online popular websites are humbled by markets?

Time has proven them wrong time and again. History is proof of that.

Before budget everyone of them said Nifty Target is 12000 etc etc. I am sure because of them many retail traders must have lost huge, especially future and option long (BUY) traders. In one day’s fall after the budget day 2018Rs 4.34 trillion in national investor wealth got wiped out 🙁

I am sure many of my newsletter subscribers must have lost too. It’s sad but I did my job, asked you not to trade, but you did. What more can I do?

This is the reason I do not listen to market pundits. Last time I watched any business channel was in 2015. After that it is only business news that is important for me not what experts are saying. They are paid to say so they will say.

If you read other websites I am sure you must have read some experts saying go long, some saying go short etc.


I repeat start trading only from next Monday, 12-Feb-2018. It is better to save money than lose money,

What did you learn?

  • Planning & Research for long term investments and short term trades has to be different.
  • Short term volatility is NOTHING for long term investments.
  • Short term volatility is SOMETHING for short term investments.

    So plan differently.

    Be conservative for short term investments (F&O trades), and be very aggressive for long term investments.

    Please note that market pundits say exactly opposite of what I said in the above sentence.

    If you want to be Conservative Option Trader, you can do my Course To Generate Short Term Small Income Consistently.


    Look at this:

    Nifty – 02 Feb 2018

    Source: http://money.rediff.com/

    This was the SEVENTH BIGGEST FALL in the history of Sensex (source: moneycontrol.com)

    Sensex Steepest Fall In History

    How much you lost?

    I can tell for sure that more than 70% of retail future traders must have become greedy and out of hope would have been long Future Buy on Nifty and then 256 points fall. This is a loss of 256*75 = Rs.19,200/- in a single lot.

    But during these times people get greedy and trade with as much money as possible. Some even borrow money to trade. Its not good to borrow money to trade. 🙁

    And now its payback time with interest.

    I have told this many times that if you are one of those who think you will make a lot of money from stock markets in one or two years – then please STOP dreaming. Even Warren Buffet took more than 25 years to make a lot of money. But he made it slowly, taking one small step month after month.

    I can go on and on but its Sunday today. So signing off.


    Nifty Fall Was Expected

    This Nifty Fall was expected after Budget 2018. If you were my option course member it would have saved you money (they get different newsletters from time to time what to expect from market in near future, which strategy to trade etc).

    Anyway if you were long on Nifty I suggest do not wait for any kind of hope. Long term investors are not happy due to Long Term Capital Gains Tax at 10% and exiting their positions.

    You can either:

    1) Take a stop loss and exit and wait for markets to stabilize, or,
    2) Hedge your positions and exit whenever you want – if you know what I mean.

    The second option is better because you never know when a bounce back may come. We have enough time for expiry. If a bounce back comes you may regret the stop loss, therefore its better to hedge your positions and sit tight for a reversal.

    Proper hedging is part of my course and cannot be explained here.

    Whatever you do PLEASE DO NOT TRADE ON HOPE.

    After a major news its either BIG Profit or BIG Loss, I want you to be safe – so was reminding you since very long via my newsletters and posts in my blog to be safe.

    I do not know if you listened to me or not.

    The course will not only teach you good strategies but there is some very good hedging techniques there which will stay with you forever till you trade.

    It easy to make money if you are happy with small profits, its hard to make money trading if you are looking for 10% a month.

    I know what I am saying will not appeal you but what I am saying is a fact. Lot of people will not do my course just because I am promising them a fact, but they will easily pay 30k to someone who promises to teach them strategies that makes 10% a month.

    I have told you the truth – its up to you to believe or not.

    Course fee can be paid here online.

    Save your hard earned money.


    Check my yesterdays post. What I wrote yesterday is now the truth.

    Long Term Capital Gains Tax (LTCG) – investments in equity mutual funds and stocks over 1 year, will now be taxed at 10%. The set date is 31st of January, 2018. The highest price traded on that day of the stock investors had bought will be calculated as base price to check for the final profits.

    This is very complicated as many investors may not now the highest price traded on their stocks on 31st of January, 2018 (Wednesday), and may end up paying more taxes which will never be refundable.

    BAD news for long term fund investors and equity investors.

    Along with a short term trader I am an investor too. Sad news for me as well along with many investors. 🙁

    Anyway luckily there is no change in Short Term Capital Gain (STCG) taxes. STCG is taxed at 15% of the profits made in a year.

    Now think about this – since in mutual funds investments and equity investments, we do not get leverage we have to invest a lot of money to make a lot of money. Though long term taxes over 1 year till now was ZERO, fact is result is known only after 5 years that a mutual fund or the stocks you bought performed well or not. So most were invested for years.

    Rarely anyone invested for one year just to save tax. It was for both – save tax and make more. Now one part is gone for certain and second part is unknown.

    This is a LONG WAIT and then even if you make a profit – give back 10% of it to the government.


    Waiting for years not knowing what will happen to your money and then paying 10% tax on profits is painful.

    Frankly if you can compound your money with a regular income every month still paying 15% tax is much better than waiting for 5 years and then do not know if you will ever make a profit.

    There is another point – we do not invest small money for the long term as we know it will not make sense even if it gives a profit. Every month 10k SIP monthly for 10 years equals investment of 12 lakhs and then if you make let say approx 6 lakhs profit – pay a tax of 60,000 to the government reducing the profit to a large extend.

    🙁 🙁 🙁

    Anyway I feel 15% tax is much better than 10% tax if you are sure WHATEVER happens you will still make 25-30% a year (I am not even taking an average of 3% a month – I am deliberating reducing it) – year after a year. Instead of waiting for 5 years and not even knowing what will happen to your money. And then profit also gets reduced.

    You can do my conservative option course and make at least 25-30% a year – whatever happens in the markets. Say for example Nifty stays at 11k to 13k level for next 3 years which is very much possible, we do not know, or it may go into recession or crash – who knows? But you will still make money every year.

    Take small steps every month and move forward. You do not know what will happen in 5 years time. Time will pass anyway but finances should be controlled and it should be IN YOUR HANDS.

    Why wait so long?

    You can pay here for the course and start making monthly income for life by the side.


    Nifty falling, India VIX also falling is a strange indication. It looks like HNIs as well as DIIs are not expecting anything extraordinary from the budget plus there is a small indication from different media sources that government may implement taxes on Long Term Capital Gains (LTCG). Right now Long Term Capital Gains are not taxed. This will be bad news for investors.

    Long Term Capital Gains will increase short term trading. More than 70% of investors do not sell stocks and mutual funds just to save taxes – including myself. I do not know if that become true what will happen to the markets but this is not a good news.

    Anyway if you are an option trader your only concern is avoiding losses and maximizing profits. This is only possible through hedging your trades. You can learn hedging in my course.

    At least for next 10 days, until the budget is out and things become clear, trade with caution please.
