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There is a misconception among traders that short sellers, or short selling is bad for markets. In fact I talk to at least 10 traders everyday and 50% of them say they do not want to short sell by giving two reasons:

First reason – The margin blocked is very high by brokers and,
Second reason – It can make unlimited loss.

Well it is a misconception that short selling of options or futures is bad or unethical.

This is knowledge for those who only buy and never sell:

Who sells you the Equity, Options or Futures? They are the sellers. If no one is a seller a trade can never get completed. There has to be a buyer and a seller for the trade to be completed.

Do not forget that buyers have to become sellers one day when they decide to close their trade.

For example a trader bought an option for 80 and sold at 100 to book profits. When he bought the option he was the buyer, when he sold the option he become the seller.

Every seller has to become a buyer and every buyer has to become a seller to close their trades. When the trade is being closed they both have to change their positions.

Warning for Option sellers: On paper Option selling involves unlimited loss but limited profits. Therefore to safeguard and limit your losses, in case it happens, it is highly recommended that you hedge your sold options. But there is very conservative way to hedge the sold options and futures, which is well explained in my course.

There is also a general misconception among traders that short sellers try to bring the price down of an equity. Some even think, to bring stock price down of their competitors, some rich traders short their shares. This is not true. Whenever markets goes down it is blamed on short sellers, but the fact is if buyers are less than sellers, market or the stock goes down.

Shorting is just the opposite of buying. Those who think the stock may fall short it and those who think the stock may rise buy it. Yes sometimes the above does happen but it cannot cause a major outcome in stock markets. It can be ignored if you do not trade penny stocks. This the reason I highly recommended against trading penny stocks. Please do not get greedy and buy or sell unknown stocks even if your broker suggest you to do. Never trade penny stocks you can lose a lot of money.

Even in other businesses in the world short selling is done. For example a cloth wholesaler may sell the clothes to a merchant two months before the contract, take the money and deliver the products two months later. This is short selling.

Markets do need the short selling traders. Here are reasons why short selling is important for the stock markets:

  • If there are no short sellers, there cannot be any trade. Short sellers add liquidity in the markets. Without liquidity markets are non-existent.
  • Some stocks are unnecessary overpriced without any reason. These stocks may bring greedy investors to invest. It is short sellers who help in bringing the cost of these stocks down. Indirectly they help to save losses of greedy penny stock traders.
  • Remember the Satyam’s story? Their financial books were fraud. Once it was exposed the short sellers jumped in and bought the stock down from 200 levels to 10. The company is non-existent now.
  • Since short selling involves more risk, short sellers have to research very well the company before short selling it. In other words short sellers are very intelligent traders since they are taking more risk than buyers.
  • Brokers usually recommend buying a stock but rarely give a short sell signal because they know very well, as soon as a buy signal is generated, their clients would buy the stock, but if they give a sell signal their clients may ignore.
  • In a bullish market it is the short sellers who bring stability to the markets, especially when the markets become overpriced or overbought.


    There is nothing wrong in short selling, but please hedge your positions before short selling. Options are a great tool to hedge your trades. Whether you trade stocks, options or futures, everything can and should be hedged with options.

    Options were invented as a hedging tool and they should be used for that, even if you decide to trade options you can hedge them with options.

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Average True Range (ATR) stop loss method is more popular among the experienced traders. In some countries like India it is also known as Day Moving Average (DMA).

Please note that MA (Moving Averages are different than ATR or DMA). Simply put, Moving Averages are calculated on the closing price of a stock on daily basis. It can go from last 5 trading days up to 200 trading days. Moving Averages are mostly used by stock traders who buy stocks for the short or medium term, not Intraday or day traders.

How Is the ATR / DMA Calculated?

The percentage of the difference between the highest point and the lowest point of daily moving averages of last few days is taken into account.

Day traders usually take last 5 days Average True Range, ATR or Day Moving Average, DMA. Some take last 14 days moving averages. Positional traders usually take last 30 days ATR or DMA.

Let us take the last 5 days ATR (Average True Range) of Nifty 50. As on today, the last 5 trading days are 29, 30 Dec 2016, 2, 3 and 4 Jan 2017:

Here is the image of daily high and low of the last 5 days taken from the NSE site:

Nifty 50 Last 5 Trading Days High Low

Nifty 50 Last 5 Trading Days High Low

[table id=4 /]

Calculating the Day Moving:

90.30 + 82.25 + 78.20 + 70.50 + 37.60 = 358.85 / 5 = 71.77

71.77 is 0.87% of 8256.00 the current spot Nifty price.

Therefore if a day trader has bought Nifty Future to trade Intraday when Nifty spot is at 8256.00 his Stop loss will be at 8256-72 = 8184.00, and sell target, profit will be at 8256+72 = 8328.00. If at the end of the day the trade is in small profit or loss the day trader will exit as the trade was initiated for Intraday day trading and not positional trade.

To Conclude:

The three types of stop loss methods of Intraday or Day Trading:

  • Most Popular Method Normal Stop Loss Orders, in which Trigger and Limit Price are discussed
  • Percentage On Margin Blocked Stop Loss Method, and
  • Average True Range ATR Stop Loss Method
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    Percentage on margin blocked stop loss method is stop loss or profits taken on total money risked or blocked as margin trading for that day.

    This is continued from the article on best ways to keep stop loss for intra day trading. There we discussed the most popular method called the normal stop loss order method.

    In India percentage stop loss method is the second most popular method after the normal stop loss order method.

    For example let us assume an Option Intraday trader has bought Options worth Rs.45,000.

    The most popular is 5% profit or loss taking percentage stop loss method. 5% is popular but this percentage may differ from trader to trader, and also from one day to another.

    Below is an example of a day trader taking a 5% profit or loss on margin blocked. Based on 5%, the trader needs to calculate the points he needs to take a stop loss or profit.

    Assuming Nifty Option which was bought was priced at 100 when he bought it. The trader bought 6 lots:
    45,000/100 = 450/75 = 6 lots buy.

    In other words 75 is the lot size currently of Nifty. 6 lots buy Option premium at 100 is equal to, 6*75*100 = Rs.45,000.00

    The trader wants to make or lose 5% of 45000.

    5% of 45000 = Rs. 2250.00

    How to calculate the stop loss so that max loss is Rs. 2250.00

    2250/75 = 30/6 = 5 points.

    Here is the calculation:

    5*6*75 = Rs. 2250.00

    Therefore he keeps the stop loss as per his calculation of 5% max loss on margin blocked at 100-5 = 95.
    And he keeps the profit taking target at 100+5 = 105.

    Another easy way to calculate this is, just take out percentage of the premium price and keep the target or stop loss.
    5% of 100 is 5. So keep profit target at 105, and stop loss at 95.

    Please note that this point may change as per the premium of the Option.

    For example if the Option premium was priced at 50 when he bought, the results of the percentage on margin block stop loss method will change. Assuming he is willing to trade with the same amount.

    45,000/50 = 900/75 = 12 lots buy.

    In other words 75 is the lot size currently of Nifty. 12 lots buy Option premium at 50, is equal to, 12*75*50 = Rs. 45,000.00

    Now the trader wants to make or lose 5% of 45000: 5% of 45000 = Rs. 2250.00

    Calculating the stop loss so that his max loss is Rs. 2250.00

    2250/75 = 30/12 = 2.5 points.

    Here is the calculation: 2.5*12*75 = Rs. 2250.00

    Therefore he keeps the stop loss as per his calculation of 5% max loss on margin blocked at 50-2.5 = 47.50, and the profit target at 50+2.5 = 52.50.

    If you want to calculate the easier way: 5% of 50 is 2.5.

    For stop loss minus 2.5 from 50, for profits add 2.5 to 50 and set your targets.

    Note that according to their experience in trading and market condition, intra day traders keep the profit loss percentage at different numbers.

    For example on a very volatile day they might decide to keep stop loss at 8% and profit at 10%. Similarity on non-volatile days they may keep the profits and stop loss both at 3%. But this comes only after experience. If you are not very experienced trader and trading intra day, please keep your profits and loss small, so that even if you lose you lose less money. With time when your skills gets improved, you can vary the percentage of profit taking and stop loss.


    Learn the best ways to keep stop loss in the system for intraday trading.

    As soon as a demat account is opened for trading most people start trading Intraday. When you trade Intraday it is highly recommended that you keep SL (Stop Loss) in the system and not leave any trade without stop loss in system.

    Why Most Traders Start With Intraday Trading?

    1. Intraday trading looks very attractive because traders think they can make money every day. Fact is that they do not, in fact after trading Intraday and speculative trading I myself lost a lot of money when I started trading.

    2. Brokers give a lot of leverage in day trading. Day trading is done using the MIS trading advantage. MIS stands for MARGIN INTRADAY SQUARE-OFF. It means that if you do not close the trade by 3.15 pm your broker will close the trade anytime between 3.15 to 3.29 pm. Most brokers have automated this process to reduce the risk.

    Because MIS positions are not taken overnight, the risk is slightly less therefore brokers can give more leverage. In India brokers block only 10% of the required margin. For example if a stock is trading at Rs. 500 and a trader wants to buy 300 shares for Intraday trading total money required to buy the shares is 500*300 = Rs. 150,000. If traded for intraday under the MIS, brokers will block only 10% of 150,000 = Rs.15,000/-.

    Why they block only 10%? Because it is assumed that intraday movement can only lose maximum 10% of the total amount not more. However if there is more loss than the margin blocked, brokers will call their customers to close the trade or add more money to their account. If the customer does not responds, they close the trade immediately. However these chances are rare.

    Traders however should be more cautious when trading Intraday therefore it is highly recommended that you keep a stop loss in the system as soon as the original trade is completed.

    If you do not keep a stop loss there can be lot of problems during the trade.

    1. Your Internet connection may be disrupted and you may not know what is happening to your trades. It may end the day in huge loss therefore keeping stop loss in the system as soon as possible is a must.

    2. Due to some emergency you may have to leave the system and with no stop loss in the system you may lose a lot of money.

    3. Your computer may have issues and you may not be able to see your trades. In this case call your broker and ask them to put stop loss in your account.

    Here are the best ways to keep Stop Loss in the system.

    Most Popular Method Normal Stop Loss Orders

    This is very popular among Indian Intraday traders. Almost every Intraday trader knows this method. This method is simple, just take a trade and keep a stop loss in the system as soon as the trade is completed.

    For example:

    1. Buy Stock XYZ at 95, Stop Loss (Sell) at 90, Target (Sell) at 100, or,
    2. Sell Stock XYZ at 95, Stop Loss (Buy) at 100, Target (Buy) at 90.

    If Ex. 1 is being decided by the trader, they will buy the stock as soon as it reaches 95 and immediately thereafter keep a Sell Order in the system at 90, to avoid more than 5 points loss. If they are wrong and the stock falls down to 90, the Stop Loss gets triggered and the order is sold at 90 with the max loss of 5 points.

    The above can be done on Options and Futures as well.

    Please note that Intraday or day trading margin blocked for Equity Cash, Options and Futures differs because of the risk involved.

    There are two types of Stop Loss Orders.

    A) Trigger Price Orders:
    B) Limit Price Orders:

    Here the broker trading system asks for a Trigger Price and a Limit Price.

    Lets take the above Example 1 – Buy Stock XYZ at 95, Stop Loss (Sell) at 90, Target (Sell) at 100.

    Suppose the trade has been taken and the trader decides to take a Stop Loss between 90 and 88, then the Trigger Price should be kept at 90 and the Limit Price at 88. This will ensure that the stop loss gets executed between 90 and 88 only.

    Please note that for the Buy Stop Loss orders, the Limit Price has to be higher than the Trigger Price.

    For above Example 2, Stock XYZ was sold at 95 and the trader wanted to take stop loss between 100 and 102. In that case the Trigger Price will be 100 and the Limit Price will be 102.

    The above will ensure that the stock is sold between 100 and 102 not above 102.

    Difference between Trigger and Limit Price

    The Trigger Price is the place where the Stop Loss or the Profit Taking Order gets activated in the market and the system tries to sell or buy back the trade with the best possible buyer or seller between the Limit and the Trigger Prices. However if there is a jump, and no trade takes place in between the Trigger and Limit price, then the order gets pending and the Sell or Buy order does not get executed.


    During very volatile market conditions it is highly recommended that both the Trigger and Limit prices are entered in the system, else if only the Trigger price is entered, the order will be completed at any level below or above the Trigger Price as the trader has not specified any limits on the Stop Loss Order.

    For example, if the trade was Buy Stock XYZ at 95, Stop Loss Trigger at 90, No Limit Order, Target (Sell) at 100, and if by chance a bad news comes in the stock and it suddenly falls from 95 to 71, then the Sell Trigger Order gets executed at 71 and the loss goes to 95-71 = 24 points, instead of 5 points as decided by the trader.

    This mistake is being done by a lot of Intra day traders in the world. Please ensure you put both the Trigger and the Limit Order Price in the system to avoid such a situation from incurring huge loss.

    Another popular stop loss method is percentage on margin blocked stop loss method.

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    Learn how to chose stocks to invest using economy moat.

    Here are some important things learn to chose stocks to invest.

    1. Your country’s stock index has already chosen some great stocks for you.

    For example in India our main stock exchanges are BSE Ltd. – Bombay Stock Exchange, and NSE – National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.

    List of 30 stocks in BSE can be found here. This list may change from time to time.

    List of 50 stocks in NSE can be found here. This list may change from time to time.

    Now you have a handful of companies to research on, forget the rest.

    Please note that in order to make it in the list of a country’s top stock exchanges, a company has to be well performing since years. No new comer is allowed in this list. A vigorous process is undertaken every year to chose the best performing companies in the list. Seats are always limited so only the best companies can get in.

    2. Select 3 or 4 sectors which do businesses to retail traders.

    Try not to select a sector that does business with only business houses, select sectors that does business with common people.

    These businesses are known as BtoC – Business to Consumers. Do not select companies that do business in the BtoB Sector – Business to Business.

    Here are some examples for you:

    a) Banking Sector – In most families at least one member has a bank account in some bank or another.

    b) FMCG Sector – Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). These are companies making products that are sold quickly and at a low cost to consumers either in a shop near their house or online through e-commerce websites. These things include things like food items, clothes, toiletries, over-the-counter drugs, processed foods and consumables. Almost everyone needs them to survive.

    c) Pharmacy Sector – These do not come under over-the-counter drugs, but specialized medicines which can be bought only when someone shows a doctor’s prescription. These are usually costly medicines.

    d) Automobiles Sector – We cannot sit at home and live our lives. We have to move somewhere to survive. As kids we went to school, when we grew up we went to college, then when we got a job we had to go to our office every day, people go on tours, visit places for business assignments, change city because they were transferred or got a new job.

    80% of the times in our lives we keep moving. This is not possible by walking, we need vehicles to move. Lots of people have their own vehicles now and this sector is increasing everyday. For this reason Automobiles Sector makes it to the important sectors to invest list.

    e) Information Technology Sector – Now a day’s no company can do business without computers and software automating jobs. This speeds up the data processing process and saves time. Interestingly Information Technology Sector was earlier only a BtoB (Business to Business) Sector, but in this fast changing world it has also become a BtoC (Business to Consumer) Sector. We use a lot of things in our homes where Information Technology Sector comes in, like Computers, Mobile Phones, Televisions, Stock Trading Software and many other electronic devices having some or the other Information Technology object which we ourselves do not know.

    Housing sector is also important but history is a proof that it was and will be a risky sector.

    Now chose one stock from each of these sectors with a great Economy Moat.

    What is Economic Moat

    Economic moat refers to the power and advantage a company has over other companies in the same sector. These things include:

    • How large and wide is its business
    • Trustworthiness of its brand name
    • Competitive pricing structure
    • Affordability of common man to buy its products
    • High demand of its products
    • Its ability to contain other businesses to surpass it and small businesses in the same sector to overpower it
    • Financials and company growth
    • Technology changes as per the new innovations in technology
    • Networking with other companies
    • Patent of their products to keep at bay rival companies to copy their production process which may have cost billions to research and make. Pharmaceutical companies are well known for doing this.

    Other things also includes its financial profit history for the last 5 years at least

    The companies with string Economy Moat can keep their services or products prices lower to attract more business. They can lower their prices because they make a lot of profit and are willing to attract more customers by lowering prices.

    Once the research is complete you will get a list of three or four companies of different sectors to invest in. You can then start investing in them through the SIP method.

    SIP method is Systematic Investment Plan Method

    For example you have 10,000 to invest every month and you came out with four companies to invest.

    10,000 / 4 = 2500.

    Now start investing Rs. 2500 in each company every month. If any company stock goes down you will be able to average it out because with the same money you will be able to buy more stocks. The average value of buying the stock will go down too. If the price of a company goes up you buy less stocks with the same money.

    Over time law of averages will come in and you will be able to make good profits in a few years.

    When To Sell a Stock?

    This question has not been answered anywhere but here are a few pointers.

    • Sell all stocks of a company if you see its Economy Moat going down.
    • If you need money for your financial goals like kids education or marriage sell the stock that has made the maximum profits
    • Sell all the leftover stocks in your account when you retire and keep the money in a few debt or liquid funds. Every month take money out as per your requirements and live a peaceful life.

    Make sure that you nominate your spouse or children and write a will so that your children know about your investments and are able to take it out and repeat the process written above if something happens to you. If you do not write a will, your children may not be able to know or take out the money you earned in your lifetime and it will become a waste and will lie with the investment institution. Make sure before you go that this does not happen.


    Learn the difference between Ask and Bid Prices And Spreads in this article and what happens when volumes get thin in stock markets.

    This month stock markets are witnessing low volumes in trading. Stock Prices are decided on the current demand and supply, and not what has happened in the past.

    Let us take an example. Let say XYZ stock is trading at 515 and the first quarter results have come in beating market expectations. It is obvious that traders and investors will be willing to buy the stock and trading on that stock will get very active.

    Due to good results, both the buyers and seller will become very active in this stock. If you see your trading platform you will see that it will show Ask and Bid prices.

    What is ‘Bid’ in stock trading

    Bid the best price a buyer, trader or a dealer is willing to buy that stock or an option at that particular time. Best price is the highest price buyer is bidding or willing to buy the stock.

    What is ‘Ask’ in stock trading

    Ask is the price a seller of a stock or an option is willing to accept to sell that stock or option. Best Ask is lowest price a seller is willing to sell stock at that particular time of trading.

    Whenever they both match a trade is completed and then if trading volumes are high the Bid and the Ask prices both go up. This will take the stock price up. However if the demand of the stock is low due to whatever reasons, both the Ask and the Bid prices may go down taking the price of stock down.

    For example if XYZ stock’s first quarter results would have come poor, the Ask and Bid prices both would have gone down as interest in trading that stock would have gone down.

    Job of Market Makers

    Sometimes when there is very low demand and supply market makers come into action and displays their prices. When the volumes are very thin the software does not understand and you may see huge differences between Ask and Bid prices. Like Ask at 515 and Bid at 500. Due to this huge difference trading may not take place at all.

    Here is where the market makers come into action and controls the Ask and Bid prices so that trading does takes place.

    Right now trading volumes are low and it is the job of market makers to check that Ask and Bid prices do not have too much of gap. These are mostly done in stock and derivatives where still they find reasonable traders trying to do trading, but due to huge difference between Ask and Bid the trade is not happening.

    If they do not control trading prices, retail traders may get confused and those hitting market orders may get stocks at amazing high prices and suffer losses.

    If traders keep getting confused they will stop trading and stock markets will remain stabilized not moving for years. This the market movers do not want, hence they control the Ask and Bid prices.

    If investors lose interest in stock markets, no new company will come up with an IPO (Initial Public Offer). It is already happening in India since last 2 years. Very few companies have come with an IPO. It is due to IPOs new companies can collect money from the stock market to expand their business. Please note that a company does not have to give back the money to an investor who buys its stock, except when it decides to buy back a few shares. This happens rarely. A company only give dividends to its stock investors.

    Dividends also comes from the profits made from the business, not money paid to investors from their pockets.

    If investors do not invest in IPOs or in stock markets, a country’s economy may get hit. This the governments do not want. This is the reason when thin volumes are seen in stock exchanges governments gets worried. They either come up with statements or actions to bring back investors beck to the stock markets.

    What is A Spread?

    The difference of the price between Ask and Bid is the Spread. When the Spread is tight, volumes are good. However when the Spread is wide, it is for certain that Volumes are low.

    Right now volumes are thin, so the Spreads in many stocks, options and futures must be wide.

    It is advised that during low volumes traders should trade with caution. Even if they want to trade they must not hit market orders but try to hit limit orders only where they can decide at what price they want to buy or sell a stock.

    If you have any questions please ask in the comments section.


    Now experts are saying what I have been saying for long, that, demonetization of old Rs. 500 and 1000 notes, is the only reason Indian markets are finding it hard to recover and go up.

    How long will this take, no one can say but one thing is for sure – as soon as the cash withdrawal limits goes away and Indian banks and ATMs will have enough cash in the system to keep giving money as per the requirement of their clients, this cash crunch in the system will go away and some percentage will flow in the stock markets taking it up.

    It was expected that this will get over by January 2017, but now it seems it will take longer. So for traders and investors patience is required.

    As far as I know RBI is printing new Rs. 100 notes to get rid of cash crunch and other notes as well. Once this will get in the system and the limits to withdraw money from the banks is taken away Indian Stock Markets will get a boost.

    What To Trade Now during Demonetisation?

  • For Investors: Keep adding good stocks using the SIP method. Please do not fear. Holding stocks does not have a time limit or expiry date. If you exit with 10% or more profits even after 1 year on the money invested, be happy. Currently inflation is 7%, so you will make 10% profit without paying taxes. This is a great return.
  • For Directional Traders: Please DO NOT trade as long as there is no clear signal of direction. Even in normal circumstances, 90% of directional traders lose money. I am sure due to demonetization this percent must have increased to 95% or more since November 2016. Therefore it is highly recommended please do not take any directional bet either in Future or Options, you may lose money.
  • For Non-directional Traders: Keep trading as direction does not matter. You will still make a profit as Nifty is not moving much and we are taking benefit of that. As written in the course please keep an eye on profits and exit as soon as it is achieved. The way Nifty is moving it looks like stop loss will not get hit and you can exit in profit.

    I will complete How To Invest In Stocks and Why Interest Rates Affect The Stock Markets, next week as a lot needs to be written in both the articles. I need some time.


    How To Invest In Stocks

    Read to know how to invest in stocks and invest the way Warren Buffett invested in stocks.

    Indian stock markets are down more than 10% from recent high, this is a great time to invest in stocks. In future also remember that:

    Whenever there is more than 10% fall in major stock index in your country, just get in and buy great stocks in SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) method.

    Since Indian stock markets have fallen a lot it is a great time to buy stocks. For long term investors and non-directional traders this is the best time to make profits. India’s top stocks are at a great level to collect for the long term.

    It is always a great idea to research stocks which have the capability to enter the stock market index. In India the most popular stock index is Nifty. Here is the list of top 50 companies that make Nifty. It is highly recommended that you invest in the best 4 stocks from different sectors that are in the top 50 list. When your country’s stock exchange has already hand-picked the stocks for you why do further research? They have a very strong selection criteria to pick stocks that can make to this list, then why bother about other stocks?

    Some of the big giants that you can buy in the SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) mode are Infosys, HDFC, SBI, L&T, ONGC, Axis Bank, Maruti Suzuki, Tata Steel, Hindalco Industries. These are strong companies and have fallen a lot. Please note that this is not a recommendation to buy these stocks. I am only giving you ideas to research on these stocks. Please do your own research and invest as per your capability. Also remember that stock markets investments are subject to market risk, so please thoroughly research before investing in any of the above stocks.

    What is SIP Method of Investing?

    SIP is known as Systematic Investment Plan. SIP is highly popular with Mutual Fund Investors, because Mutual Fund industry has advertised Systematic Investment Plan in a great way – in news papers, TV, magazines, websites, emails etc. Therefore Mutual Fund Investors know about SIP very well and automate the whole process and make a lot of money. I am mutual fund investor too.

    It is really strange that stock investors, not just in India, but in the world are not much familiar or interested in investing in stocks in the SIP method.

    One reason is that our brokers do not advertise investing stocks in SIP method. They just tell us to buy as much as we can. Because the more you buy, the more money they make. Then what happens is known to the investor only, brokers are least bothered because they have made money, why should they bother about their investors?

    Another reason is Greed – a traders biggest enemy. Most stock investors think it will take months or years to make 10% on a small amount so why invest in phases? They invest millions of rupees in one go as soon as they get a green signal from their brokers, and then scratch their heads when they see the stock falling down.

    Once they see a loss of 20% or more they exit. It is strange that after they exit, the stock starts to move up. This makes them more frustrated.

    This is not the correct process to make money from investing in stocks.

    Do not forget that unlike derivatives stocks do not have an expiry date. Big companies are here to stay forever.

    The best investor of all times Warren Buffett made a lot of money investing in good company stocks. In 20 years he went on to become the richest man in the world investing in stocks.

    But all over the world you will see many stock investors losing millions investing in stocks.

    Why they cannot copy what Warren Buffett did? The reasons are pretty simple:

  • No research on the company they want to invest in.
  • No investment plan – just invest with whatever money they have.
  • No patience. One month is the average wait time with most no-patience investors. Therefore 90% of them exit with losses.
  • Not willing to average even though wait time in stock investments is unlimited. Stocks are not options or futures that you should not average. If you are an Options buyer or seller, it is highly recommended that you do not average your options or futures whether you are losing money or making money. You must have a trading plan and act accordingly.

    Coming back to stocks, since they do not have an expiry date, you must average them as long as they keep falling from your average buy price.

    Read this article to know How To Chose Stocks To Invest Using Economic Moat.


    Date: Dec 21, 2016

    8000 Is a big support For Nifty because when it breaches a psychological level, greedy traders come in and start buying stocks to take Nifty high.

    If you refer my previous emails you will see that I had written that 8000 is a big support for Nifty. It is very hard for Nifty to break 8000 on the downside because there is no big negative news except demonetization that the market has already factored in. Moreover greedy traders come in and start buying stocks to take Nifty high.

    The reason why it is not going up fast in spite of US stock markets hitting all time high is the liquidity is low. The retail traders are busy taking money out from the banks and put food on the table. Right now getting and buying the essentials of living a life is more important than investing money in stock markets.

    Once this demonetization effect gets over people will once again start investing in stock markets. I do not feel that day is very far as now days you do not see long queue in the banks.

    Until the cloud does not get over there is going to be no trend in the markets. The best trade to do now is the non-directional strategies in my course.

    It is really a tough time for directional traders and I am sure they must be losing money now as there is no trend at all in markets. In fact if you look back you will see that 80% of the times there is no trend in the markets.

    So non-directional traders make money 80% of the times and directional traders make and lose money 20% of the times.

    Why Most Traders Then Do Directional Trades Only?

    Because most traders think only way to make money in stock markets is to trade the direction. I am sure more than 80% just do not know that there is something called non-directional trades that makes money when Nifty just does not move much.

    Another reason is greed. Some of them know there are non-directional trades but it makes less money though safer than directional, but unfortunately greed takes over and to make more money in less time try the directional trades and lose money.

    It is only after losing lakhs and sometimes crores they stop trading.

    Those who have done my course non-directional trade Strategy 1 is the best to do right now. Keep looking at profits according to the course and exit when you reach the desired target.


    Learn why interest rates affects the stock markets and how to be aware of them as a trader.

    Lots of people do not know that interest rates do affect the stock markets. In this article you will learn why interest rates affects the stock markets and also the premium of options.

    What Is Interest Rate?

    Whenever you take a loan from a bank you have to pay them extra money for the money they lend to you. Or if you pay via credit card and do not pay back the money on time then you have to pay a fine plus some interest on the borrowed money.

    The extra money you pay is decided on the interest rate to lend money.

    In simple terms let say A borrows money from B a sum of Rs. 100 on the condition that after one year A has to give back Rs. 110 (100 + 10) to B. In this case the interest rate is 10% on the borrowed sum for one year.

    Why should A pay an interest rate to B?

    This is nothing but the cost of borrowing someone else money because, why should someone give his money to someone else for free? For that the borrower needs to pay a price depending on the interest rate decided.

    In stock markets no one borrows money but still interest rates does affect the stock markets.

    Recently there was a big news on FED interest rate hike. Interestingly traders all over the world were waiting for the news but others were not so interested. We will shortly know why Interest rates affects the stock markets.

    In the US banks borrow money from the Federal Reserve Bank to do business and pay an interest rate to Federal Reserve Bank. If FED increases interest rate, the cost of borrowing money from FED will increase and it is obvious that these interest rate increase will be passed on to the consumers. In effect all loans like mortgages, personal and business loan rates will increase. Since the interest rates will increase on loans, their demand will go down.

    When their demands goes down, the system will have less money to buy things. When the system will have less money to buy things, demand will be less than supply. This will obviously lower the cost of products and services in the markets or keep them stable.

    This is how central banks all over the world control Inflation. In US central bank is Federal Reserve Bank, in India it is the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

    What Happens When Interest Rates Are Raised By Central Banks

    In the very short term not much is affected. But over the long run the affects can be seen.

    Borrowing money from the Central Banks becomes costlier by the banks, therefore liquidity of money in the system goes down. Why? Because when borrowing money becomes costlier banks cannot pay the interest from their pockets, they will pass it on to the consumers. This affects an increase in the interest rates in mortgage loans, credit cards, personal loans, car loans, business loans and other kinds of loans. Therefore both individuals and businesses are affected.

    When loans gets costlier both individuals and businesses borrow less money from banks.

    When businesses are affected they will again raise the price to their products or services to consumers to remain profitable.

    Do not forget that demand of products does not goes down drastically as people have to buy these products to continue living. Although due to less cash in the system and costlier products, the demand of the products does goes down to some extent. Lower demands does affect businesses revenues and profits.

    When Central banks increase interest rates, it becomes difficult for businesses to borrow more money to expand their business. They start borrowing less, therefore the speed of growth of businesses also goes down.

    Over the long term, businesses borrowing less money brings down the stock prices down of these companies. We will read shortly how.

    Therefore, businesses are indirectly and directly affected by an increase in the central bank rates.

    If rates are low – more business loans, more business and more profits, if rates are high – less loans and less business and less profits.

    How Increase or Decrease in Central Bank Rates Affects Stock Prices

    When businesses revenues and profits is affected it is obvious that the stock prices of these businesses also goes down as the profits do not meet expectations of the markets.

    Retail investors trade in speculations but this is not the case with HNI (High Net-worth Individuals), and DIIs (Domestic Institutional Investors) like mutual funds. These people have a lot of money to risk, they cannot speculate and trade.
    Their first priority is the fundamentals of the company.

    One of the best methods of valuing a company is to see expected future cash flows from that company compared to present cash flows. Future cash flow comes from the expected growth of a company. When they see that a company may not be able to expand fast and may slow their growth they become skeptical to invest in that company.

    When they see that the future situation does not show a great picture for a company, they invest less in that company or do not invest at all to reduce risk. This obviously decreases the stock price.

    How Does The Stock Price Effects Investment

    Retail traders look at the current situation of the stock price and invest. When the Institutional investors reduce their investments in these stocks, these stocks starts to fall and is seen by retail investors. It is obvious that they get tempted and sell their stocks. This is a simple reason why retail investors sell when the markets fall and buy when the markets go up and lose money in the long run. In reality they should buy more when the stocks are falling and sell to book profits when the stocks are rising. Unfortunately since the birth of stock markets retail investors are doing this mistake time and again and will continue to do so.

    Conclusion of the Affects of Interest Rates In Stock Markets

    • When Interest rates are hiked it becomes costlier for banks to borrow money from Central Banks
    • They pass these higher interest rates to consumers so rates on all loans like home, car, personal and business loans goes up
    • Due to the above, cash in the system decreases and demand of products slows down
    • When business loan rates goes up, businesses borrow less money and their speed of growth slows down
    • When business growth speed slows down, it affects their prices and stocks begins to fall
    • Vice-versa when the Central Banks lower their interest rates.