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In this article read to know the important factors that determine Option Pricing.

I assume anyone who has directly landed in this page knows what an option is. If you do not know then in simple terms an Option is a derivative contract that give the holder the right, but not a compulsion to buy it back if sold or to sell it if bought when the Option expires on the Expiry day. Expiry day is usually last trading Thursday of the month in India. If Thursday is a holiday expiry happens on Wednesday. Of course one can buy an Option expiring in 2 months or more.

Though I personally close all In The Money (ITM) Options on the expiry day which I hold because most brokers as a risk management will close the ITM Options at around 3.15 pm at prevailing market prices which you need to accept. I would rather close myself.

Of course you can leave all Out Of The Money (OTM) Options to expire worthless whether you bought or sold them to save on Brokerage charges.

Anyway lets discuss today’s topic Option Pricing: The Factors That Determine Option Price.

A few days back I got this email from one of my email subscriber:

Hi sir,

I am S. MD (CA Student). I am avid reader of your website articles. I started Nifty Options trading from last 2 months. It’s actually mock trading but with small amount like Rs 1000.

I would like to join your course as soon as I start earning and to my best of knowledge. All of your articles are very informative and educative.

Thanks a lot, you introduced me to ZERODHA (greatest platform for all kind of traders in India).

Sir, today I came across a situation where my Nifty Call Option didn’t increase but the next call options increased. (By next he meant further Out of The Money)

I will explain in detail.

I bought Nifty July 8900 CE at Rs.5/- one lot at that time Nifty July 9000 CE was Rs.3.75 only. At the end of the day my Option was at Rs.5.25 and 9000 CE Option was at Rs.6.90.

Literally I could not believe my eyes because 8900 CE Option opens at 6.15 and 9000 Option at 4.35, but at the end of day 8900 CE Option was 5.25 and 9000 CE Option was 6.15.

What is this Dilip? I am looking for true answer. I need your analyses because I believe you.

I am attaching you the screen short also for your reference.

S. MD (CA Student)

I know a lot of you must be surprised after reading his email by now. So let’s discuss The Factors That Determine Option Price.

Before reading further I would suggest read one article written by me a few months back because this will form the basis of what we will discuss further:

Options Greeks Explained Delta Gamma Theta Vega Rho

Next we will discuss some Option Basics and Terms used while trading Options which will help you to understand Options even more clearly.

Ok now to the answer to the question. By now after reading the above articles you must have understood that there are some factors that determine option prices. But all this is possible only in a normal market condition.

What is a normal market condition?

When there is liquidity in the option being traded. Please note that some strikes may be liquid and some not so liquid. The option strikes that are liquid will not behave like what is written above. However if the number of buyers and sellers are less than the option pricing gets decided merely on demand and supply.

If there are too many buyers but few sellers – the option premium may become too high and if there are too many sellers and few buyers the options premium will drop below normal level.

Note that every strike behaves as per the liquidity. So what the above person saw was purely because both buyers and sellers were few in both the strikes. With time as more traders join then the option premium becomes normal.

Hope that helped you understand why sometimes option premiums are not in sync.

Here is a PDF to help you understand options better:



Since morning today I have been reading in various online journals and I see that most experts are feeling that the markets right now are looking a bit stretched as they cannot break the barrier of 9000 and cross over it so it looks like it will fall.

Some say the fall might be around 10%. Frankly I read news just to see if there is some REAL NEWS in it. Not just what experts feel. Markets do not have any emotions – humans have but markets dot bother for human emotions.

So the reason that 9000 is not crossed for long does not fit into real practical news. There can be a fall but not because 9000 unable to break but could be for some other reason. But frankly 10% fall looks a bit far at least not this year until some real bad news hits in. In fact this strays true for ever.

History is a proof that many times the experts were proved wrong by the markets. So just read to know if there is some reality in the news, if not just ignore. Like I did today.

One news I felt correct was that results of US elections may propel markets higher. At least till then I feel 8,600-8,900 range will stay.

If you have done my Option Trading Course and reading this, it is a very good news for you. Keep making money and let the directional traders guess and lose while we keep making money. 🙂

What may move the markets in coming weeks?

Quarterly results are coming from blue-chips like TCS and Infosys. These are big companies and any good or bad news may move the markets but not more than 100 points for Nifty.

Also announcement of macroeconomic data – IIP and inflation is coming. I will keep an eye on this and will inform you.
The above factors will definitely move the markets. Up or down depends on what the news is.

Markets will remain closed on 11-October-2016 (Tuesday) for Dussehra or Vijay Dashami, and 12-October-2016 (Wednesday) for Muharram.

In my last article on Option Chain And Myth In Stock Markets there was a comment from Michael:

Hi Dilip,

If you dig deep in to the option chain, you will see that the market generally reverses direction at the strike price of max open interest. For eg, its good to buy when price is nearing the max puts (provided puts at that strike are continuously increasing with price is near) and its good to short when price is nearing max calls (provided calls at that strike are continuously increasing when price is near).

If the price is about to break out from the max open interest strike, the numbers of puts (for a break down) and the calls (for break out) will generally decrease. You can back test this for yourself, in the recent months and see the option chain predicted precisely.

Combining this with your directional strategy improves the odds of success 🙂

The reason this works it, professionals usually write options & hence by aligning with their direction, we have the upper hand. No wonder option buyers lose money.


My reply:

IMP NOTE For People Who Have NOT Done My Option Trading Course: Please take this as educational purpose only as it is just a comment. Please do your own research before doing what Michael is saying. I will do research on this and write a post some day. But what he says is if true then why most technical analyst fail? They should be doing the above and make a lot of money. So on the face of it I do not agree until research confirms this.

I will do some research on this. I have given a solid reason for not doing as anyone says. So please if you are a technical analyst (TA) do your own research on the above comment and let me know your results. It will be great help.

IMP NOTE For People Who Have Done My Option Trading Course: Since our trades are properly hedged and we are least bothered about direction of the markets you can try this. Since the hedge will take out tensions of trading nothing wrong to try this out. But please paper trade at least three times before trying this out and also send me the results. I am more interested in what my clients are doing rather than what I am doing as I am more interested in your profits and Thank You emails or WhatsApp messages which money cannot buy. I only get it by giving proper guidance and knowledge. In fact your Thank You emails and/or WhatsApp messages makes me more happy than when you pay for the course. 🙂

I still have some 150+ Thank You emails and WhatsApp messages which I am unable to upload in the site due to lack of time since customer service still taking too much time. Anyway if I find time I will upload – but I am saying this since last one year I think. 🙂

So please keep sending those messages it motivates me a lot and makes me very happy.

Wishing You All The Very Best.


Since there is absolutely no movement in Nifty since the India-Pakistan tensions I am sure all directional traders by now must have lost much more than they made when they bought calls and puts on that day.

This is the life of directional traders. They seldom make money but do not let their ego die and still are willing to lose money trading the direction.

Whereas the non-directional traders rarely lose money and even if they do, if the trades are properly hedged the losses gets limited which does not affect their pockets. They are happy and move on.

If you are my paid subscriber of my course please note that India VIX has again fallen today. If you entered the trade Strategy 1 last month it should be in profit now. If the profit what we need is met please close the trade and take money off the table. Do not forget to thank the directional traders.

It is strange that people still ask me questions on where and how to find direction so that they can make a lot of money trading the stock markets.

Today morning itself at 9 am I got a call asking how to predict direction of Nifty from Nifty Option-Chain?

Option Chain is nothing but quoting of options prices through a list of all of the options for a given security like Nifty, Bank Nifty, or any other Stock. An option chain is simply a listing of all the put and call option strike prices along with their premiums for a given maturity period.

In India the best way to see current Option Chain is to visit the following link:

Most Active Call Options are here:

Most Active Put Options are here:

Most Active Securities:

Most Active Contracts:

Now tell me after seeing all this can anyone tell where is Nifty Direction heading? No you cannot. That’s the reason please do not run after direction – it will change the direction of your life from positive to negative. Whatever you have made in life will be lost running after direction of the markets.

I agree that if you can really get the direction right 80% of the times you can double your money in 6 months or less and make a lot of money trading Nifty or stocks.

But both are a huge myth – finding the direction of a stock or Nifty in the short term and making a lot of money trading stock markets in the short term.

If you write exactly the opposite it becomes true. See this:

Finding the direction of a stock or Nifty in the long term and making a lot of money trading stock markets in the long term. I just replaced short with long and the whole myth turns into a reality. 🙂

Let me also give you another example why finding the direction of Nifty with 80% success rate is nearly impossible.
Can tell me in which direction your life will go tomorrow? But you will have to tell me with a guarantee. For example will you get a promotion tomorrow or will you fall sick or not or will you meet with an accident or not or will you reach your office on time or not? Can you answer me all of the above questions with guarantee? I am sure your answer is no.

When you cannot predict direction of you own life within a few hours from now (on which you have full control) – how can you predict where Nifty will be tomorrow (on which you have no control) with a guarantee? No you cannot.

If you were right it was fluke. If wrong it was reality that most of the times you cannot predict movement of a stock in a very short period.

That is the reason I keep a reality check on my subscribers from time to time so that they avoid losing money. What do I get by writing these things in return? Nothing. But I will write the fact whether you enroll for my course or not.

I could have easily written do my course and make money fast and I would have get a lot of clients in a month. But sorry I cannot lie and take your money I am not like others and never will be.

If you believe what I am telling is correct only then do my course. It is a slow and steady process of making money without any tensions or hassles of keep looking at Nifty.

And yes with time do compound your money. So that after a few years you have enough not to worry any more about money.


First Tips For My Paid Subscribers: [This is hidden for free subscribers and website visitors. If you want to get my advice please enroll for the conservative option course.]

As written in my yesterday’s email RBI (Reserve Bank of India) did not change much the Repo Rate – just cut the repo rate by 0.25 per cent on Tuesday, while keeping the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) unchanged.

Nifty down by just 0.25%, like yesterday it was up by 0.25%.

Like I said even if RBI cuts the Repo Rate by 25 basis points which is 0.25% there will not be much movement or impact in the Indian Markets. The same happened.

Earlier the Repo Rate was 6.5%, now after the reduction the Repo Rate is 6.25%.

What impact it may have?

Loan rates will come down to a very small extend.

Fixed Deposit rates will be the first to get effected, then home loan rates and personal loan rates. Car loan rates may also come down a bit.

But all this will take some time so lets wait and watch for the news.

If there is anything major I will inform you.


As I said in my yesterday’s email there will not be much movement in Indian Markets – Nifty or the Bombay Stock Exchange.

Both are just 0.25% up than yesterday’s close. This is not a significant move.

Today the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) will announce its monetary policy at 2.30 pm India time. This is unlike earlier times when they announced at 11.00 am India time.

Another difference is earlier the rate hike call was taken by only the RBI Governor. But from now onward it will be taken by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) headed by RBI Governor. Right now RBI Governor is Mr. Urjit Patel. Whatever the Committee decides Mr. Urjit Patel will announce exactly that.

Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) is a six-member panel which has equal representation from RBI and the government.

If you remember since the start of last year RBI has cut the repo rate five times.

Repo rate is the rate at which Reserve Bank of India lends money to recognized banks in India.

How Inflation Is Decided And How The Repo Rate Is Decided

Repo rate depends a lot on Retail Inflation. Retail Inflation is the average of all Inflation among all the products sold in India to people like us – not the Inflation for the brokers or whole-sellers. It is the price increase when the product is ultimately delivered to customer from a shop from year to year.

Assuming that rice producers paid last year Rs.100/- for 1 kilo of Basmati Rice to the farmers and sold it for Rs.101/- to brokers or whole sellers who then sold the same to shopkeepers for Rs.110/- per kilo who then sold to customers for Rs.120/- per kilo.

And in this year assume that rice producers paid Rs.100/- for 1 kilo of Basmati Rice to the farmers and sold it for Rs.102/- to brokers or whole sellers who then sold the same to shopkeepers for Rs.115/- per kilo who then sold to customers for Rs.125/- per kilo.

Then the inflation will increase by (5/120)*100 = 4.16%.

As you can see there was ZERO inflation for rice producers but a 4.16% increase for retail buyers, so the government will consider an inflation of 4.16% in Basmati Rice.

Like that average inflation of nearly all products sold to retail customers is taken into account before announcing the real Retail Inflation. Based on this the RBI decides the lending rate or the Repo Rate.

India’s retail inflation has touched a five-month low of 5.05 percent in August 2016. This may let the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) lower the Repo Rate by 25 basis points or let it remain unchanged. In any case markets will not move much.

Hope how Inflation is decided and how the Repo Rate is decided is now clear to you.

If you have any questions please ask in the comments section below.

Now advise for people who have done my Option Trading Course.

INDIA VIX is at 15.49% or just 0.83% below yesterday’s close. Which clearly indicates markets are not expecting much from the RBI announcement at 2.30 pm today.

But please do keep an eye on the trades that are on.

My focus is on Strategy 1 which makes money almost every time its traded. If you see a reasonable profit at 2.00 pm exit the trade and book profits.

You can then later enter as written in the document.

Testimonial on WhatsApp 1 Dec 15 - Your Results May Very

Testimonial on WhatsApp 1 Dec 15 – Your Results May Very

Get Option Course Details Here.


What may happen to Indian markets now as Indo-Pak tension has happened, RBI policy meeting is also tomorrow.

But First Advice For My Paid Customers: [Hidden from free subscribers. If you want to receive this advice please enroll for my conservative option course here.]

Now free for all advice:

Before I start you must be thinking why no emails were sent on 28, 29 and 30th of September 2016. We went for a short trip to Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati and Shillong visit for some long due leisure. Here is a photo of me and my wife there. It was a fun filled trip with family.

My Wife and myself near Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati

My Wife and Myself near Kamakhya Temple in Guwahati

Why Markets Are Rising Today?

Markets are rising today, the main reason is both India and Pakistan have decided to reduce tensions. Some kind of meeting did take place at high level to reduce tension so it’s obvious the dip buyers who wait for an opportunity to buy have jumped into the markets with cash and are buying stocks.

And obviously the short term traders who may have short sell the stocks futures and bought puts may be closing the trade at a huge loss. Remember that when a short seller closes a trade he becomes a buyer. This is the only way to close a short sell trade, you need to buy it back.

So both the buyers and stop loss takers are throwing money in the markets thus the rise.

Hope now you understand why the markets rise.

Coming to other news.

FIIs (Foreign Institutional Investors) are still positive about the Indian markets as it is still above the support level of 8550 even after the Indo-Pak tensions. This is real strong vibes coming out from the Indian markets.

I can bet that if this happened in any other country in one day the short-circuit would have been hit and the markets would have closed for trading the very next day. And this would have happened within seconds of opening. But this did not happen in India. This is a strong suggestion that markets are still looking strong and positive.

Which clearly indicates that the long term investors always make money. 🙂 Hay even I am one of them now. I am a medium term Options and Futures trader and a long term investor. Basically on both the sides where winners reside. These people are gifted money every day by Intraday traders. So I extend my thanks to Intraday traders. If they do not trade we will not see much liquidity in markets.

More than 60% of liquidity in the markets is because of Intraday traders. Unfortunately all of them lose money. When they leave the markets after losing money new Intraday traders join in and this continues for ever.

RBI Meeting Is On Tuesday October 4, 2016

Monetary policy review is on October 4, 2016, tomorrow by the new Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) headed by RBI Governor Urjit Patel.

New Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) headed by RBI Governor Urjit Patel may not change rates as they are still awaiting supporting data on inflation. Which clearly indicates Nifty will not move much tomorrow.

Macroeconomic data is more important for the markets move this week. Also what happens to Indo-Pak tensions. We all know that political meeting is very different than reality. Both countries have been meeting every few months or so to deescalate border tensions, but still tensions keep prevailing in the Indo-Pak border. But it is highly likely that the worst has happened and normal life may begun.

Lets hope for the best.

See how people who enroll for my course trade with peace of mind. For me trading with peace of mind is more important than making huge money which is not possible anyways. My course subscribers are happy traders making consistent income every month and compounding it to grow into big wealth in future. This is the way to trade the stock markets.

WhatsApp Testimonial by my client on 26 Oct 2016

WhatsApp Testimonial by my client on 26 Oct 2015

More about the course here.

{ 1 comment }

Right now Nifty is in a range bound and in a consolidation phase. It is not moving much and VIX also very stable (2% here and there VIX is considered stable anything above 5% is not stable). Keep trading Strategy 1 of my course and you will keep making money.

If you have not done my course pay now to enroll and start peaceful ways of making money from stock markets. Directional traders keep losing money its non directional traders who make money most of the times.

Why? Because let me ask you a question – can tell me in which direction your life will go tomorrow? But you will have to tell me with a guarantee. For example will you get a promotion tomorrow or will you fall sick or not or will you meet with an accident or not or will you reach your office on time or not? Can you answer me all of the above questions with guarantee? I am sure your answer is no.

If not how can you predict where Nifty will be tomorrow with a guarantee? No you cannot. If you were right it was fluke. If wrong it was reality that most of the times you cannot predict movement of a stock in a very short period.

This is the reason non-directional traders keep making money most of the times and directional traders keep losing money most of the times but unfortunately ego and greed takes over them and they keep trading even if they are losing money.

This is the reason I request you to switch over and become a non-directional trader.

If you believe in me do not delay and do the conservative option course today. Rest the call is yours.

Especially if you are losing money trading I fail to understand why you are delaying to enroll for a proven course since 2014.

You can pay here and let me know.


First Advice for paid subscribers: [Hidden from free subscribers and website visitors.If you need this advice daily enroll for my course now.]

Read to know how a country benefits from stock traders whether they are long term investors or short term traders.

Due to FED not changing rates (especially not increasing rates) we saw markets rally like fire yesterday. Today they are again stable and not going anywhere. Remember what I said yesterday?

Emotions and media have a bigger role to play in stock markets than economy of a country. I would give 50% to emotions, 30% to media and only 20% to economy for rise and fall of markets the world over.

Yesterday emotions were high so there was a rally. Today no news, no emotions, so nothing to do in markets. Isn’t the news still fresh that FED has kept rate unchanged? So why there is no rally today? Because 50% of what makes the markets move is absent – there are ZERO emotions in play in today markets.

It has slightly fallen down because all those who made money in yesterday’s rally are booking their profits seeing no more rally.

This is a useless short term traders life – one day profit another day loss – ZERO fun, full of stress and no money at the end of the month. After one year again look for a job.

This is the reason they are called SHORT TERM TRADERS – it is a very apt term. Their life as a trader is short term, then they stop trading and start looking for a job.

What happens to Long Term traders? They keep trading for long term and keep making money for long term. Short term traders come in the market give a great gift called “money” to long term traders – long term traders take that money and say “thank you” to short term traders and then short term traders tell them “good bye” and leave. 🙂

Then new short term traders join the markets. The story repeats again. This keeps happening for years. Long term traders remain the same whereas short term traders come with cash and go out without cash.

Myself and all my clients we are all medium term traders – we have best of both world. Long term traders make huge profits but it comes after a few months or even years. We make small but consistent profits in a few days. Over all long term traders make money, medium term traders also make money, while short term traders lose money.

You must have heard that 95% of traders are losers. Almost all of that 95% traders are short term traders, rest of the 5% traders are either long term or medium term traders.

If you are a short term trader I highly recommend that please do my course, at least I will show you the path to trade peacefully and make small profits in a few days. Yes too much trading is not involved so this will also make sure you save money in brokerage plus keep making money consistently. If you want to join the 5% club of traders who make money then do my course, if you love losing money and want to remain in that 95% club then do whatever you want.

Anyways coming back to how a country benefits from stock traders whether long, short or medium term traders.

When the news came in that FED will not increase rates people with a lot of money to invest have nowhere else to go except the stock markets for a better return. That’s the reason there was a rally yesterday.

Fact is if low rate for a Fixed Deposit is there which is not very attractive, investors will invest in stock markets for a better return. Do not forget that in most countries income tax in stock investing is much lower than income tax in Fixed Deposit in banks.

Governments do this so that people keep investing in stock markets. Otherwise if FD returns are great which is guaranteed, no one would buy an IPO (Initial Public Offer), or invest in stock markets and buy shares of a company.

In India FD rate is around 7.5% today for an year. Imagine FD rates increasing to 15% a year. Not a single person will invest in stock markets even mutual funds. Everyone will invest in Fixed Deposits. Stock markets will tank which is not good for the companies doing business and listed in stock markets. Not a single IPO will ever come.

If no one invests in stock markets then no company would be able to take money out of the stock markets and increase their business and give jobs which helps in a countries development.

Keep this in mind that taking money from stock markets is not a loan for these companies. They throw an IPO, take millions of dollars from the public through IPO and never return. When you sell a share of a company it is not the company that gives you back the money, it is some other trader like you who buys the stock from you. Whatever money comes from IPO valued in crores is for the company to keep and expand its business. The only thing it gives back to the country is generate employment which helps in development of a nation.

So indirectly when you are buying a stock you are helping in development of a company directly and your country indirectly. Since you are doing a good job, government gives you a tax free return on profits if you keep that stock for just one year.

Why one year why not short term? Two reasons:

1. Technically the market makers like SEBI, NSE, BSE, MCX do not want short term trading and to discourage them 1 year is the minimum investment required to get a tax free return on profits made. Note that the company does not care if its stocks keep changing hands in 1 year or 1 second because it got its money anyway, but market makers do care as they want people who invest in stock markets to make money. They are intelligent people and they know if investors are invested in good companies for 1 year at least there is a very high chance that they will profit, else there is a very high chance they will lose money so 1 year is being lured.

2. Fact is here or there a country needs money for development. And how can they get money from its people? Direct or Indirect taxes. Now when you buy a stock and keep it for one year it is obvious that had you kept than in a Fixed deposit you would have made 7-8% in that one year but you have to pay taxes on that. In short FDs are not tax free because when you do an FD directly or indirectly you are not helping your country but helping to increase business of a bank or that financial institution. Your FD money is given as personal loan, home loan, car loan or business loan to a person or a company to make more money. The banks give you 7 or 8% in return for FD, but charge more than 12% to people who take a loan from them. The difference of 4 or 5% is the banks profits not the county’s profit so the government has kept a tax on Fixed Deposit even if done for 5 years.

However if you buy a stock or invest in an IPO, you are helping a big company to grow which will generate employment which is good for development of a country therefore its tax free. But then how will the government make money if everyone is invested for 1 year? No it will not.

Short term players fill the gap. 🙂

See how even a country benefits from short term or long term stock market investors.

For short term equity investors you have to pay tax on your profits for the entire year. Short means holding a stock for less than 1 year. Of course you cannot hold a derivative like Option or Futures for 1 year so you have to pay a tax on the profits.
As far as I know in stock markets there are short terms taxes, as written above and long term gains. I am not an tax expert as my tax filling is done by an expert and frankly I do not ask him any question as he is very good in his job.
But if anyone of you is an tax expert reading this please email me how taxes are calculated on derivative profits in India. I will do research and write another post someday.

A lot of people have asked me this question but since I do not know, I am unable to help them. By telling me you will help a lot of people so do please tell me if you know how in India derivative profits or loss are being taxed.

Coming back, short term traders in reality give more taxes than long term traders as long term stock investors either through mutual funds or direct investing do not pay tax to the government at all. This the government also knows therefore they tax the short term traders.

It does not matter if only 5% of short term traders make a profit. Fact is take an overall view ultimately the government makes money from stock markets from short term traders and the country benefits from the long term investors. So both help the country to develop.

To Conclude:

1. Long term investors help their country develop indirectly, and
2. Short terms traders help their country develop directly by paying taxes.

Just to add that all profit making companies pay taxes too to help their country develop, so indirectly long term investors are also paying taxes. This is the reason the Dividends are not taxed as the company sends dividends only after paying taxes. So if Dividends are taxed it will be double taxation which is injustice, so it’s not taxed.

But the fact is the worst lot are the short term traders.

Why because those 95% short term traders who lose money are neither taking their family and future forward nor taking their country and its future forward.

In God’s eye it’s a SIN.

There is nothing wrong in trading the stock markets short term but try to use your brains and be in that 5% who are winners. They make money and take their families and future forward and also their country forward.

This is what your Government wants, this is what you and your family wants, this is what the world wants and this is what God wants.

The purpose of my site is only this – to educate short term traders. What did I get by taking two hours to write this article? Nothing. But I know someone will benefit. If yes my job is done else I wasted my time.

But anyway I am so happy that I am trying my best, the results are not in my hands. It is God’s hands. Our job is to work hard and show people the correct path. To follow that path or not is your choice.

So I conclude with this simple sentence.

Work hard, get knowledge and trade well. You will not only take your family forward but your also country forward.

Thanks For Reading.


Due to the Federal Reserve FED keeping interest rates unchanged markets all over the world has rallied.

I hope most of you must have known by now that US Federal Reserve FED has not changed interest rates and kept it same. Due to this news stock markets all over the world have rallied.

I was thinking why this is happening? After all technically nothing has happened. FED interest rates were same yesterday as it is today. So why this rally because of technically no news?

Here is where media comes in. Some of them said, FED may raise interest rates, some said FED may keep it same, some said FED may take a decision so that investors of USA do not go to developing countries like India and China for investments.

THIS CREATES CONFUSION IN TRADERS MINDSET. And a lot of trading starts happening on speculations. Due to this VIX or Volatility increases.

Some buy PUT as per the news they read, some buy CALL as per the information they got. Some try to play Volatility and buy both CALL and PUT. Some sell Calls, some Puts, some both. A lot of useless, knowledge-less trading goes on.

End result is rarely anyone makes money.

Once the news is out again media comes in and says FED keeping rates unchanged is good for stock markets, and wow people start investing like there is no tomorrow. The result? Markets move up.

Emotions and media have a bigger role to play in stock markets than economy of a country. I would give 50% to emotions, 30% to media and only 20% to economy for rise and fall of markets the world over.

I hope you understand now why VIX or volatility increases before a big news and decreases just after that.

Let us see what is INDIA VIX today.

At the time of writing INDIA VIX is at 13.69 or 1.11 less than previous close, or has fallen by 7.50%.

To tell you the fact, I did not see INDIA VIX until I wrote the line “Let us see what is INDIA VIX today” because I knew it is almost certain that INDIA VIX would have fallen as the FED news is out.

This is experience. No media getting into head, or no news getting into head. Just trade as per your knowledge and experience and make money.

Good news for those who have done my course. As we know direction does not matter. Just book profits as INDIA VIX has fallen sharply. And wait for my next instructions on when to enter Strategy 1.

Tomorrow I will tell you how a country benefits from stock traders.

It is a request please read tomorrow’s email whenever you find time. Do not miss it.



Ideas to Trade for my Paid Customers: [Hidden from free customers. If you need these emails please enroll for my course now.]

Bank of Japan‘s monetary policy is out. BOJ will keep its rates unchanged for the time being. It is keeping its deposit rate unchanged at negative 0.1 percent. Yes you read that right they have a negative return on investment which means if you deposit your money there in Bank of Japan, you will get 0.1% less than what you deposited. Compare this to what our banks give in a Fixed Deposit – right now it is at 7.75% average a year.

You must be thinking we are so lucky to be living in India. Actually the fact is the rates depends a lot on current inflation.

India’s inflation in July 2016 was 7%. And banks gave a Fixed Deposit return of 7.75%. So if you did an FD your money beat the inflation by just 0.75%.

Now let’s go to Japan. In July 2016 Japan’s inflation was -0.5%. Yes minus 0.5%. So if they keep their money in bank in a savings account all they might get back is may be around -0.3%. So basically if they keep their money in bank they will beat inflation by 0.2%. But if they do a fixed deposit according to Bank of Japan rates they get a return of 0.5-0.1 = 0.4%. Which means their money beats inflation by 0.4%. So in economics terms it is getting a return of 0.4% a year. In India a FD gives a return of 0.75% a year. Do you see a major difference? No.

So my point is that education makes a difference. Those who just read the news that BOJ has kept the interest rate at -0.1% must be thinking to be very lucky to be born in India to get a FD return of 7.75%. So in their minds the difference is 7.85% but the real fact is, keeping the inflation in mind the real difference is only 0.75-0.4 = 0.35%.

Do not forget in a negative inflation prices of everything goes down. It includes prices of land, houses, food items, clothes and everything else that we buy to live. I do not have the knowledge of the salary they get in Japan but frankly salaries also goes hand in hand with inflation slightly beating it. Like in India salary increases anywhere from 8-10% a year I am sure in Japan the salary increase will be negligible or just 1%.

If you compare to inflation vs salary increase of India and Japan, you will see there is not a major difference between the two countries.

This is the difference good education makes. Short term traders read one or two lines news and react instantly – buy a call or a put and force themselves into trading then never read the news again thinking they have done a great trade. Some might have bought calls to day some puts and both are losing money. Long term traders think what may happen next few days or even month or two, then do some more research based on that they take a trade fully hedged.

The results are obvious: Short term traders make 5% return a day next day they lose 10% and this continues for years.
Long term traders make 3% or more return a month and one or two months is a year they lose 2 or 3% – but overall they grow their wealth and are happy.

In fact it effects their health too. Short term traders keep looking at Nifty every second from 9.15 am to 3.30 pm effecting their eyes and heart and increase in stress. Long term traders look at the performance of their trades just once or twice a day and carry on with their jobs or business. The effect is low stress, happiness and good health.

I still fail to understand even now from the people, 90% of the calls I get ask me the same thing – Sir how long it will take to make a profit? I reply 10-15 days average. Then they say why can’t we convert it to Intraday? My reply is name me one Intraday trader who has accumulated a lot of wealth in ten years time but the condition is all the profits has to come from Intraday trading. Then they say Sir we do not know. Then I say do you think you will do it. Then they say not sure. Then I say then why are looking for Intraday trade? They keep mum.

My point is learn to live in real life do not get sucked into virtual world which has a lot of show off elements but nothing in real.

For example a lot of people spend more than 2 hours every day on FaceBook and WhatsApp with friends, but compare this to a person who spends 2 hours every day with friends in person not virtually available on a mobile phone. Who is much happier? Obviously the one who does real socialization not the one who does a virtual socialization.

Same thing applies in stock market trading. Most Intraday traders except people like Ravi, are living in a virtual world where there is no happiness and money, but almost all long term traders live in real world where there is happiness and money.

Therefore I request you to educate yourself as much as possible before taking a trade. Else you know the results. Hope this article teaches you to be more patient with a long or medium time horizon in investing and stock trading, and not become an impatient very short term trader.
