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The outlook of Nifty is looking stable for next few days and VIX also looking stable.

I feel that due to sudden rise in Nifty now for sometime stability will remain. This is quite natural. When heavy rains come for 2-3 days then for weeks we do not see rains. Similarly when a storm comes and goes away, it does not come for months. The case is same with Financial Markets. After a lot of Volatility comes stability.

These things ignites the big market reviewers – they start sending emails or SMS on “see how markets are growing so fast up now, pay us to know which is the next stock or option that will double your money in weeks”. There are many greedy traders in markets who fall for this and pay these people, who laugh all the way to their banks. Then you also know what happens to their money.

My point is very simple: Tell me with a guarantee where you will be in 30 days from now? If your answer is I do not know, then who are you to know where Nifty will be in 30 days? No one can say this with a Guarantee. I Guarantee this. If there is some one who can Guarantee this please write in comment section where Nifty will be on 03-Oct-2016? (01-Oct-2016 falls on Saturday, Nifty will be closed.)

When I went out with my wife and kids at home on 20th April 2016, I never imagined I will meet with a near death accident. Had I known I would have never went out and escaped that accident. When you cannot do a Technical Analysis on your own life how can you do that on something you do not have any control on?

Doctors and Gods saved me that is fine, but as far as financial implications are concerned I got back almost all the money via the medical insurance. The bill was Rs. 2 Lakhs but I got back 1.5 Lakhs, so more or less I had to pay just Rs. 50,000 to save my life. This is nothing but hedging.

I had to only pay the difference between final losses and profits from the hedge. So instead of losing 2 lakhs I lost only 50,000 in the deal. That’s the reason I do not trade without any hedge. There is no guarantee where the markets will go tomorrow so why take a chance?

Let other Technical Analysts say whatever they want, I do not even read or listen to them. I know I am happy with the small profits and not willing to take a huge loss and this money is enough to fulfill my needs, then what is the reason to fall for greed and try useless tactics to make more money?

Almost every day I get at least 5 emails, phone calls or WhatsAapp messages requesting me to join with them as partners and make more money – I reject immediately. I do not even go to their websites and waste my time. And I request them not to contact me again. In fact I am writing this email after rejecting two offers for collaboration today morning itself. One through WhatsApp and then through a phone call.

My philosophy of life is very simple – You can cheat people (human beings and or animals), but you cannot cheat Gods – not even in your sleep. I fear Gods a lot so will never do anything through this site or my emails which may harm my subscribers. One day his punishment will come and you cannot escape that. In fact if you are losing money from speculative trading then beware that Gods are punishing you for being greedy trying to make money without working hard. Those who never work hard never make money, in fact they lose money.

So whether it’s your job, business or stock trading please learn to work hard. I guarantee you within months your life will become better. Not only you will make more money, your health will improve and your confidence level will go up. This has a compounding effect. If you keep working hard, more opportunities will come your way and the speed of your life becoming better will immensely increase. 🙂

In fact this is exactly I tell to people who inquire about my option course that if you pay, please understand that you will have to work hard, start reading, understand the strategies with my help, then paper trade, then start trading. All this requires hard work. If you are not willing to work hard and are looking for tips please do not pay and go to any tip provider. Then one day when you will lose lots of money, you will come back to me.

Fact is it has actually happened to a lot of my free subscribers who later after paying to tips providers and losing money call me back after 1 year or so, then say Sir you were right – in greed to make 100% per month we paid to tips providers and lost lakhs of rupees in few months only. Now we realize our mistake and understand making less money but with hard work is better than falling for greed and losing money. And instantly pay for the course.

Anyway I have told you the reality. Now the ball is in your court which path you want to travel – path of hard work and contentment or greed, excitement and losses. Choice is yours.


Read to know if the world is in for another recession or not and what’s the reasons for it.

I keep on reading a lot on Indian and World economy and I have also asked you to help me in some information if you get that may impact our economy so that I can write in my site and keep helping others.

Since the last few days I have been reading a lot of economists saying that there can be another recession. That’s the reason some FED officials are against raising interest rates. Their point is it may lead to a recession. Raising interest rates gradually would allow them to stimulate the economy for longer, but that an overheating economy could end in a recession. But the other group’s point who are in favor of raising interest rates is – if the interest rates are not raised a time may come when no one will invest money in US and will invest developing countries like India. This may lead to an economic recession in the US anyway. So frankly either way they fear economic recession.

Due to this FED is divided on the issue of increasing rates or not. They are confused but indications are, there may be some increase because it has been in demand for years now.

One thing is for certain if again a recession comes in US, the whole world will suffer. Also I am certain that it won’t be as bad as in the year 2008-09 but still will not be a good news to the stock markets.

Please understand that stock markets technically has nothing to do with economic recession directly, it just effects it indirectly as investors panic and take their money out and invest in Gold or Fixed deposits or liquid funds.
Remember, we have had a great run in the prices of Gold and Silver when the recession stuck? Gold jumped from Rs.25,000.00 per 10 grams to Rs.36,000.00 per 10 grams. And I do not remember Silver prices. I am sure a lot of my subscribers trade commodities so please help me and let me know the rates from where to where it jumped. At that time I had a job and my boss used to trade Silver I remember he told me the prices almost doubled in Silver and asked me to invest in Silver which I thankfully dud not. As after suffering huge losses in stock markets I have a fear taking tips or advice from a non-expert.

Commodity traders please write in comment section of this article the rates of Silver from 2008 to 2014. I think it doubled in 5-6 years. But since I do not know the exact amount I cannot mislead people on my site. I need help here. Please help me commodity traders, it will also help a lot of other people who visit this site.

Update for my paid subscribers: Hidden as this is a free for all post. Sent on email to my paid subscribers only.

Ok now those who are still thinking if my course is worth 5k or not? I get testimonials everyday from my clients. I have more than 200 real testimonials which I am yet to upload in the site. These are apart from these testimonials which are already uploaded in the site. Frankly time is an issue. I am alone, single handily writing content in this site, giving customer support like emails, whatsapp chat and answering phone calls from phone subscribers, and answering emails also and attending calls from unpaid subscribers asking for details of the course. This itself takes 10 hours a day, rest is time for my family which is very important to me. Money can come later but times once goes away never comes back.

How many websites upload real testimonials I mean screen shots of testimonials? Apart from these whenever there is an occasion or festival paid or unpaid subscribers wish me through emails or whatsapp messages. Thanks for all the love and respect you all shower on me. This makes me immensely happy and satisfied and gives me motivation to keep writing in site and keep helping people. Just to keep your email in my database I pay almost 1 lakh a year to my email software owners. So I hope you understand the course and my support which takes time cannot come for free. In any case you will get your money back in one month itself and you may make a 100% return on the course fees in just two months. What more do you want? For example see this email I got yesterday, Thursday 25-August-2016, from one of my paid subscribers who took the course in June 2016. This is a real proof of how happy traders are after doing the course.

Ahlad Testimonial 25-Aug-2016

Ahlad Testimonial 25-Aug-2016 – Results may vary for users


Today is August 2016 expiry day for derivatives so please close all your positions before 3.30 pm, if possible by 3.15 pm.

You can leave the Out of The Money (OTM) bought or sold options to expire worthless to save your money on brokerage and STT. Rest you should close just to make sure you are not taking any chances as this will be closed by the NSE, BSE, or MCX or wherever you are trading. If you are trading in next month’s Future or Options there is no need to close. You can close them only if your trade is over, they will not expire today.

Happy Janmashtami 2016. Enjoy the day.

Peace to all – which in my view is more important than money.

If you have lots of money but no peace and no good health than even if you have a million dollar (more than 6 crore rupees) its just piece of papers that’s all. You must be able to enjoy the money you have in the correct way.

VIX: It is fallen today by 2.74% so people who have done my course try to book profits if it has reached the level as described in my strategies. Then wait for the right time to enter.


People are willing to spend money on costly items but are not willing to invest money where money can be made.

Today I got this email from a subscriber who has an iPhone but does not have a minimum of 75000 to trade my strategies.

See this:

Received email on 24-Aug-2016

Received email on 24-Aug-2016

This is what he wrote:


Hello Sir,

Hope you are doing well.

I have read your profile and your course details and I am interested in it. But I have concerns as below.
Actually I don’t have ₹75000 as initial investment amount which is mentioned in the details.
Do you have any strategy which works for less than 50k as initial startup?

Sent from my iPhone

My point of living life is very simple. Spend on what you can afford. Live below your means and you will surly get rich in few years by saving money and investing it in right instruments in a few years.

An iPhone costs anywhere between 30,000 to 50,000 – this is not a small amount to buy a mobile phone which you can lose the next day you bought. But when it comes to showing off their wealth people are happily spending money to show off. And when it comes to investing in a business they say they cannot afford the money.

When a Rs. 10,000 phone can do the same job as a Rs. 50,000 phone why in the first place spend Rs. 40,000 extra? Just to show off to your friends? Is that a valid reason to spend money? When you go into debt will this same friends will give you money to help? No. They will tell you to sell your iPhone and clear the debt. Then you will realize your mistake.

This guy wants to trade and make money with only Rs. 50,000 but is willing to spend the same amount to buy just a mobile phone. With Rs. 50,000 a family can buy two mobile phones worth 5000, 1 refrigerator worth 10,000, one LED TV worth 15,000 and still be left with 50000-5000-5000-10000-15000 = Rs. 15,000/-.

Isn’t this silly? Please understand that just making money is not enough. In this costly world saving money is also important. If to save money a sacrifice of only show off is required then do it immediately. Buy things that you can afford easily and you really require it.

If this guy is very rich person then an iPhone is fine like my brother in law has but he is in Merchant Navy earning USD $7000 a month. Then buying an iPhone makes sense. But if you have only 50,000 to spare and you are buying a phone worth 50,000 I can bet you will never get rich because you do not have this habit to control expenses.

Let us take an example of what savings can do to your life.

Imagine a person earning 1 crore a year and spending 1 crore. He is left with ZERO savings in a year. Compare this with a person earning 12 Lakhs a year and saving 6 Lakhs. At the end of year 1 the person earning 12 lakhs will become richer by 6 Lakhs compared to the person earning 1 crore a year. After 10 years the person earning 1 crore a year will be left with ZERO balance in his bank account and the person earning 12 Lakhs a year will have saved 6*10 = Rs. 60 Lakhs.

Lets compound this at just 10% a year. 6 Lakhs invested every year and giving a return of 10% a year goes on to become Rs. 1,20,74,945.71 (Rs. 1 Crore 20 Lakhs 74 Thousand 945.71). In 20 years it will become Rs. 4,18,37,999.64 (Rs. 4 Crores 18 Lakhs 37 Thousand 999.64). After 30 years by the time they retire it becomes Rs. 11,90,35,696.34 (Rs. 11 Crores 90 Lakhs 35 Thousand 696.34). Note that I have not even taken into consideration more savings as his salary grows with experience and age. Probably his savings will reach more than Rs. 15 Crores. How many retire with Rs. 15 Crores in their savings? Very few, even though earning 12 Lakhs a year has become very common in India. Heck even people earning 18 Lakhs a year do not retire with 15 Crores in their savings – they have probably a few lakhs or just 1 crore. So mostly they fall in the category of the one above where I have said that person earns one crore a year and saves nothing because showing off wealth is more important to him than saving money for his and his families future.

Unfortunately more than 70% fall in this category that’s the reason you see old people though who had a good job depending on their kids to live a life. Who is to blame for this situation? They themselves. They realize this after retirement but unfortunately their time has gone and they cannot do anything about it now. You ultimately get what you deserve.

Forget about 10% a year with my course imagine making just 20% a year and saving just 3 lakhs per year on trading. By the time you retire in 30 years this will go on to become Rs. 49,66,90,258.98 (Rs. 49 Crores 66 Lakhs 90 Thousand and 258.98). I have not even counted the extra money that you can keep in liquid funds, fixed deposits or PPF etc.

But I get phone calls on a regular basis of traders losing money since years. All this is because you cannot control your greed and want to make more for no reason at all. Many people keep their phone down as soon as I say 3% return a month is possible.

Let me tell you very clearly making more than 3% a month even 2% a month is a great amount if compounded for years. Calculate the profits had you made on just 24% a year on the money you invested in stock trading and lost. Now add that profits to your losses as well. If the profits was 50 Lakhs and you lost 20 Lakhs then your real loss is 50+20 = 70 Lakhs and add 7% inflation there as well which will increase your losses not reduce. Did you see the results of trying to make 10% a month from trading? This punishment comes from heaven – when there are people working so hard to make their end meet why should Gods give you a 10% return a month trying to work from home or office in an air-conditioned room? Money goes to the one who works hard, is patient and willing to wait for years to become rich not to one who hits hard and keep trading especially intraday trading to make 10-20% return a year. 99% of Intraday traders lose money but still keep trying for years. Then quit trading after losing lakhs and take a job. They were running away from job and here you go after losing lakhs they are begging for jobs.

The whole point of writing this article is that manage your money well. You must make a plan of your investments and stick to it. If savings means you need to sacrifice eating in restaurants then do it. Your future is more important than eating and then shitting the next day your money down the drain. What I am trying to say is if you do not plan your finances well you will suffer one day. Do not let that day come in your life start saving now. There is no tomorrow.

Hope you get the point of this article and start saving. If any questions please ask in the comments section below or reply to this email.


Read this article to know if you can leave your job and live a life as a full time trader or not. Some serious advise there to help you arrive at a decision.

First of all Thanks a lot for a lot of “Thank You” messages for my last email sent on Saturday 20-August-2016. If you did not read click here to read. Very important must read. No you do not need to pay me its free for all.

Today also now I received an interesting email:

Hello Sir,

My name is Parag, and I am trading in this market for last 3 years.

Basically I have accepted trading as my full-time profession. I trade only in stock options and I trade strictly Intraday, for the last year or so I have just started learning not to make losses.

Now I want a real business, I know a little bit about options, as I have read your first article, I only do directional trades with strict stop-losses. but till now it is just some profit, some lose game.

As I have told you I am a full time trader, I always wanted to sell options and started trading with the same thinking, but never ever had that courage to do it. I have never studied options Greeks, what is Delta, Theta, Gamma, Volatility etc. I don’t know but just on the basis of technical I am still surviving in this market.

So my Point is to weather to take trading as a profession by trading in options?

As per your strategies I would need a lot of money in my Demat account to earn money for my day to day living, so is it advisable to start trading with just small amount? Of course I would be trading directional trades as well, read your first article, it is good but do you really think that your options course will really help me to reach my Goals? I am a serious trader.

Kindly reply.
Thanks and Regards,

My reply was something like this:

Humm why you have left your job? Was there any specific reason?

I am not against full time trading but it’s better to earn from multiple sources, not just one source that’s the reason for most it is important to learn stock markets trading and investing to increase our wealth as just Fixed Deposits (FD) will not be able to beat inflation over the long term. If your returns are better than inflation only then you make money. If it is equal to inflation then you did not make any money just got the same money back what you invested like the Fixed Deposits in banks. But if you make more than inflation then yes you have made money.

So people who trade stock markets and are losing money please add the inflation to your loses also. For example in a year if you lost 30% of your capital invested this year, your real losses are 30+7 = 37% not 30% as in 2016 average inflation is around 7%.

Similarly for the profits you will need to deduct the inflation from the profits you make. For example if you made 37% profit for the year your real profit is 37-7 = 30% a year.

Please note that I have not included the taxes as it’s a different issue. Please consider that as well.

So those who want to turn into full time trading its advisable that you leave your job only after you are making consistent profits from trading for at least one year. If making, it is certain that this is statically significant results and the same will happen from next year onward.

Then calculate how much is required to run your home. For bigger families of 6+ members at least Rs. 50,000 per month is required for smaller families of 4 or less Rs. 35,000 is suffice. Now secondly you need to save for future also I believe at least 30% of what you make in an year. This money cannot be invested in trading as you will break the risk management rules of keeping all eggs in one basket. You can keep this money in liquid funds, stocks for the long term and fixed deposits (FDs) and equity mutual funds as well via the SIP route.

So please add that amount to what you want to make every month or year.

Once this math is done and if you are achieving this goal in terms of percentage on a small amount, only then leave your job else you will trade in panic and lose whatever you have saved till date like I lost. Avoid that situation at any cost.

What I did after I lost Rs. 7 lakhs which was my entire savings exactly when my wife was sixth month pregnant with our first child? I went into deep depression but my wife took control of the situation and asked me to take up a job as soon as possible. Luckily I got two jobs the next day I gave an interview. What a relief. One of them asked me to go to Mumbai but I did not wanted to leave my wife alone so I refused and joined the job offered on Kolkata itself though with a lesser pay than the offer for Mumbai.

At that time running my home and staying with my wife for support was more important not my carrier which I could take care of later as well.

The rest you know – I started reading a lot on stock markets the results of that knowledge is this site itself. So happy that this site is helping many retail traders a lot.

So I have explained above when you can consider to leave your job and become a full time trader.

Now as far as my course is concerned as I keep saying always when this question pops up on returns (I cannot lie to take your money) your profits will be limited to 3-5% a month so now you decide whether this is enough to make you a full time trader. Let me tell you clearly not everyone can perform like Ravi. He is an exceptional trader in fact better than me.

I have no egos in saying some of my customers are actually doing better than me. But are you one of them I cannot say as these people integrated my strategies with their own and came out with a better trading module that is working for them. It may not necessarily work for others that’s the reason I do not share their trades with anyone. In fact I know to some extend what Ravi is doing but I will not share as he is not comfortable sharing his strategies with others that’s I reason I cannot. In fact some people wanted to pay me to buy his strategies but I refused. Honesty cannot be bought by money.

But I do share Mr. Inder’s great trade as a bonus to my paid clients as he was not uncomfortable when I asked him if I could share his trade with my paid clients. He said ok so I share only with paid clients as it is my strategy which is part of the course. He made more than 30% return in matter of 20 days. Slightly twisted my strategy to get that return so I share which makes sense.

Hope all doubts on can I leave my job and become a full time trader is answered.

Thanks for reading. If you have any question please leave in the comment section – your email will not be shown in site or shared by me.


I feel sad when people just want to make more money without looking or ignoring the risks involved.

I get 10 calls on average a day and out of that 8 people (80%) keep their phone down within 1 minute as soon as they listen that from my course the strategies they learn will make them on an average 3% a month. The very next question is can’t we make more, instantly I reply NO.

They say OK and keep their phone down. As you know I DO NOT call back again if you give me a call for the course. I am willing to help only those who have value more for peaceful life, knowledge and patience for making money either in stock markets or in any other business or a job.

That’s the reason I do not call back ever, and will never do to anyone who contacts me for the course.

I want only those people who value the above do my course and those who are greedy and not willing to change stay away being my paid clients.

Let me tell you one simple fact. The best stock investor of all times – Warren Buffett is making a return of just over 2% a month – that is 24%+ a year since the last 25 years. The results? He goes on to become the richest person on Earth. And he remained in that seat for 3 years. This is the real result of giving value to peaceful life, knowledge and patience for making money. Compare this with aggressive and greedy traders trying to beat Warren Buffett – someone lost 40 lakhs and here is the baap of all losers – 2 crores in trading. Hey it looks like 40 lakhs loss is common in India as 2 calls out of the 10 I get say they have lost between 30 and 40 lakhs. And you will be surprised to know that 70% of them are from one part of India. Obviously since some sentiments may get hurt I am not wiling to reveal which part of India.

It is better to hide some truth that may hurt people so not revealing. I am not getting regional biased here – we are all Indians after all. I am just telling you the facts that is all.

Now one of my paid customers asked me a question yesterday that surprised me as he did the course recently. I am not against experimenting but do it if you are highly experienced or when you have traded my strategies as written for 6 months at least. But I agree that some people are seeing exceptional results by doing some experiments on my strategies. This guy is now making more than 1 lakh a day trading my strategies. I agreed that he has made some changes to the directional strategies and doing pretty well, so I am not taking all the credit. Genius people are genius no doubts on that. He converted my positional trade to Intraday and making 1 lakh a day. This is pure Genius at Work and no one can stop a Genius from making money. 🙂

Let me also tell you that I have no idea that how much experienced this trader is who asked me this question yesterday, but I am sorry dude if you are highly experienced as this trader did not ask me a single question before taking my course. He just paid for it. By the way, there are many who pay without contacting me even once either by phone or by email. They are my subscribers and then one day they just pay for the course.

I am sure they do it after seeing all their efforts of making 10% a month is going down the drain. But anyways my thanks to those who start respecting 2-3% return a month coming from the stock markets and enroll for the course. Ultimately one day the situation and circumstances will make you more matured person than you are today.

He asked me a question on my paid strategy as he wanted to change the strike price according to market move. Since this question was on the non-directional strategy which is the easiest of my course I was a bit surprised.

If right he can make 1% more return a month but what he is not looking at is, if wrong he can lose 2% more. Now assuming he is 50% right – his returns will be 50% more in a year than what the strategy makes but losses will be 100% less than what the strategy makes. There you go – final result is making 10% a year less than what the others are making. That is the problem with most traders around the world. All they see is the positive outcome of the trade. They keep ignoring the negative outcomes. It is strange they keep repeating this mistake for years until they stop trading. But by that time they have losses around 30-50 lakhs. Then they retire from their job and call me. How strange and sad.

Anyways my reply was this:

1. Do it if you are absolutely sure else no 🙂

2. Control your greed life is limited 🙂

3. Even a crorepati dies one day what will you do with 5 lakhs extra made in 5 years? Can you answer that?

Now if you are not my customer these questions apply to you as well.

1. Trade if you are absolutely sure of the direction. Else do not trade. (When you are not absolutely sure of the direction where your life is going how can you be absolutely sure of the direction of Nifty?)

2. Average age of an Indian has increased to 65 years. For Gods it does not matter you are rich or poor he will take you away when your time comes no emotions or money involved. Agreed money matters but please do not give it more importance than your own life. If you come to my house as guest in Mercedes or BMW or in a Tata Nano or by a bus – do you think my respect will change for you if you become more wealthy? No. If you are meeting your goals that is great. Then take out 30% of it and no more and invest in a disciplined way in stock markets to increase your wealth so that you have no worries when you retire. But please do not trade aggressively to lose wealth. We trade to secure our future not to destroy it.

3. Ultimately one day we will leave this world and will not be able to take even our bodies with us. So please make a will or legal documentation of all your wealth and tell this to your spouse and kids. In case something happens to you, at least they will get what they deserve else all your had work will be kept as unclaimed income and will be taken away by banks and one day this money will enter their profit books. I am not joking – a lot of unclaimed money is still lying in banks. This is result of people not declaring their wealth to their kids or not writing a legal will. So this as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading hope it has made you more matured as a person.


Since today India VIX is up by 4.28% currently at 14.36 it is a good time to trade Strategy 1 given in my Conservative Options and Futures Course.

Some people are asking me if they can trade the Directional Strategy (a combination of Futures hedged with Options), but since last month Nifty was too volatile, I think its better to wait for next big news to trade it. As soon as big news is coming you can go for it and enjoy the movement – remember that direction does not matter to us. In the directional strategy move only matters. You can make money even if your Future direction was wrong.

Of course, I keep reading about stock markets and if any news is coming I will surly inform you.

Here are some of the business news highlights that happened during the last 30 days.

1. Good and Services Tax (GST) Bill was passed in the Rajya Sabha. I had said this in my earlier post too that it is good sign for the economy in the long term. But short term no one can say. Results can be seen in long term only.

2. Lot of people have governments jobs and the good news is that the Union Cabinet has accepted amendments to the Seventh Pay Commission. Now this will surly boost spending power and increase consumption. This will also boost the Indian Share Markets. FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Group) shares may benefit.

3. Monsoon looks good. This will help farmers increase making food products. Demand being the same imports will decrease so the inflation on food products. Rural economy may improve.

4. A few months back stock valuations were looking expensive but due to GST bill getting passed, it is no more looking expensive. Long term stock investors will benefit. Please invest systematically for the long term.

I hope with this knowledge your can decide how to invest in stock markets.


Thanks a lot to more than 200 of my customers who sent me “Happy Friendship Day” messages on WhatsApp and Email. Here are a few of them hope you understand its not possible to upload all 200+ messages here.

Happy Friendship Day 1

Happy Friendship Day 1

Happy Friendship Day 2

Happy Friendship Day 2

Happy Friendship Day 3

Happy Friendship Day 3

Happy Friendship Day 4

Happy Friendship Day 4

These things makes me very happy as you all trust me and like me as your option teacher. I do not think any other course provider in India is loved the way I get from my customers. How many business owners in this world get a “Happy Friendship Day” message from their customers? I do not think many. So Thank You All once again. Other stock option course providers may be making more money than me but frankly I do not care. I do not tell a lie to take your hard earned money. I tell the truth on what is possible after doing my course. Some people think 3% a month is just too less and keep their phone down. I am ok as I am only interested in people who want to acquire knowledge and trade on their own not greedy people who have no respect for knowledge and still think making 10% per month is easy from stock markets. Let me tell you not a single person on this Earth has been able to achieve this figure month after month for many months. And I am sure not a single person will ever achieve this even in future. If you think you can enter the investment history books please try but sorry to say this – its an impossible path. You will learn only after losing a lot of money. Well this is the story of almost all traders. Everyone enters the markets with great hope – but realize after years of trading and wasting money that its really not possible to make 10% a month every month. But some people still keep trading thinking one day will come when they will recover whatever they have lost in just one trade. Unfortunately that one trade never comes.

No it’s not an uncommon story. I get phone calls from retired people too who said they have lost all their retirement money in trading. Just imagine the situation – I mean after 50 also if you cannot control greed then when will you control – after destroying your full wealth? For God sake, learn to control greed first then trade. Greedy people never make money – forget the stock markets they do not make money in any business. Its only people who work hard, get education, have patience and are willing to take calculated risk make money. In stock trading calculated risk is hedging. Dangerous risk is trading naked. Now chose your path.

Believe me I also want my customers to succeed and you know very well that I help you as much as possible. And when you send me these messages or call me to say Thank You, and send testimonials of success I feel happy and proud. 🙂

There are a few of my clients who are doing even better than me and it does not makes me jealous or greedy at all. I mean there are thousands of students in this world who perform and do better than their teachers in life. Do their teachers feel proud or sad? Of course happy and proud. Same with me.

Is Ravi still doing good? Yes he is and we are still in touch. But he has told me not to upload his any more testimonials on the site. As I am an honest person I cannot. But am so happy that he is now doing even better. Keep doing great Ravi my best wishes are with you.

My Idea of Finance

My idea of finance is very simple – just set your financial goals in life. Earn slightly more than the requirements as per the goals in life. If you are on path and meeting your goals financially you need not worry about money at least. I do not live in a virtual world where most people in this world think more money means more happiness. Really? Then why even some of the most richest persons on this Earth are deeply depressed? I mean they should be the happiest people in the world isn’t it as they are very rich? But my friend except the luxuries of life their quality of life is almost same as a middle class not so rich man. The ratio of rich and happy to not-so-rich and happy does not differ at all. Conclusion is happiness is not directly proportional to the money you have. Neither its indirectly proportional. Happiness has nothing to do with money. Do you think poor people in this world are not happy at all because they do not have money? No its not correct some are very happy some are not, the ratio is similar to rich people.

But that does not mean that money is not important at all. It is very important thing in life. After health and relationships, money comes in. So you should have at least so much that you do not worry about it. That’s the reason you must trade with proper risk management so that it increases your net-worth over time and you are able to meet your financial goals. Your savings must defeat inflation and that’s the only money you make. Currently the inflation is around 7%. So even if you make 20% return a year from trading, your money is growing by 20-7 = 13% a year. Compounded this is a great income that you can create over the years.

Thanks to God I am happy and it does not matter how much money I have. I am happy and meeting my financial goes. Two most important things in life achieved what more do I want? Yes another most important thing in life is health. After my accident I have taken mine and my family’s health very seriously. We now rarely eat outside our home. We only eat home cooked food and buy organic food as its much healthier than normal processed food. For your information organic food does not have any chemicals in it so it’s much safer for our body. However it’s a bit costly but not something that you cannot afford. And yes thanks to Internet we can do research on good healthy food for free and start eating that. Don’t you think instead of spending lakhs in treatment of diseases in hospitals it’s better to spend just 10% of it on our daily food items and avoid that situation as much as possible? Over a period you will actually save money. Remember money saved is money made.

For 14 days I was in hospital and the bill was more than 2 lakhs. Thanks to my health insurance which saved me a lot of money. By the way if you do not have a Team Insurance AND a Health Insurance buy one today. Try to buy it online as its much cheaper than buying it through a broker. Research all companies very well before buying one.

Free Basic Option Course

Refer my last email sent to you on Saturday for free basic option course links. Looks like Indians love free items. 🙂 More than 400 emails received. As you know I do not have any employees I will have to do all the job – so please give me some time as it is impossible to send everyone in a single day.

Some people sent me SMS and some sent me WhatsApp messages. Please note that I asked you to send an email to me telling your name, mobile number and email, not any other thing. So those SMS and WhatsApp will not be answered. Please send me an email if you sent me SMS or WhatsApp I have already deleted them.

Thanks for reading.

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In this post you will learn: GST Bill Passed and for sure biggest tax and markets reforms to follow. Read to know what you can trade now.

As said yesterday in my email (not updated in my website) there is a high chance that GST (Goods and Services Tax) Bill will be passed and is now passed yesterday by Rajya Sabha members with not even a single member of parliament voting against it. So now within months it will become a law. Since the GST bill is now passed biggest tax and markets reforms will follow.

People who know me well know that I am highly patient and not looking for or either believe in overnight or instant results. Whether it is trading or anything else. Those who believe in overnight or instant results are big losers especially in stock markets. So the effect of it will be seen in at least a couple of years from now, not tomorrow or 3-4 months later. A lot of feedback and improvements on the way will follow and then results will be seen even on the streets of India.

Remember the reforms done by PV Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh in the year 1991? What happened to stock markets did it zoomed the next day? No it took 2-3 years for markets to give exceptional returns. Why? Because you see markets move up only after traders and investors invest their money in it. If only 1 or 2% people invest a lot of money it will not move up 10% the next day. It depends on majority’s views.

For example today at the time of writing Indian bank is up by 13.88%, but Sensex (BSE) is up by only 0.26%. Does one or two stocks have any major impact on BSE? No. Same with the markets.

I think as the GST bill passing is a positive news, all investors and traders are waiting for the real impact which will take some time to come. Then they will start investing. But here comes the difference between great investors like Warren Buffett and other opportunity seeking traders. Investors like Warren Buffett will invest today, not wait for the markets to go up and then invest. By that time most retail traders would have already lost the opportunity to participate in the rally, so they rue their decision not to invest. While by that time investors like Warren Buffett would have already multiplied their wealth by multiple times and will think of selling and booking profits – while the greedy retail trader is willing to buy.

What happens then?

Yes you guessed it right. The intelligent traders made money and the greedy traders lose. And believe me this continues for ever – as there is no end to greedy traders looking to become rich overnight entering daily into markets.

Intelligent traders who have patience and knowledge are rare. These people make money and the rest lose.

This will continue forever. Which kind of trader you are? Answer yourself honestly.

So what you can do now?

Those who can afford to research good stocks that can benefit from the GST bill and buy these good stocks must start collecting these stocks in phases as you keep getting your salary every month. Choose at least 4-5 good stocks no more and invest the same amount in all without any bias.

Why? Because 2-3 out of these will perform very well, the rest may not. But overall results will be great.

Please do not ask me which stocks to buy as this involves a lot of research and time and there is no guarantee that the stocks that I choose for my portfolio will perform. I am not like other companies telling lies that look I am a genius trader and can help you get amazing results. I just say the truth, whether you enroll for my course or not its your choice but I cannot lie to take your money. But I am so happy to see the results of people who did my course. The real reason is there is strong logic behind my strategies no magic – just knowledge and hedging and it works.

I am just giving you the basic knowledge and very important knowledge of what you should do now as a great opportunity has come in Indian markets.

But the research work should be done by you as depending on anyone for everything is not good. The idea of opening this website and writing my views here is to give the correct knowledge to my subscribers and readers about the stock markets in general and Indian stock markets in particular. Some believe and some do not and there is nothing I can do, as believing in anyone is your choice. I am just doing my duty honestly and am happy about it.

So please I plead you to start hard work now, there is no easy way and short cut to success. Nobody including the best investor of our times – Warren Buffett became rich overnight. It took him 25 years to become the richest man on Earth. If you think you are better than Warren Buffett please try. But I do not think we will ever find a man like him.

At least follow his foot path of hard work, research, patience and risk management, I am sure you will start seeing success. Isn’t even small success better than losing money in stock markets?

What is your view in this? Please let me know in the comments section.



Today is July 16 expiry day for all Options and Futures trades that are for the month of July 2016. They will expire today at 3.30 pm.

It is advised that you close all your July 16 expiry Options which are In The Money (ITM) – you can leave Out of Money (OTM) Options to expire worthless, and ALL Futures trades today before 3.15 pm, in fact if possible before 3.00 pm as after 3.15 pm your broker’s risk management team will close it at market rates and you will have to accept whatever the rates you get. Some of the brokers have automated this system which starts at 3.15 pm.

It is therefore better that you close it yourself. Please note that the Options and Futures derivatives for next month or any other month in future will not be closed. Only those which are July 16 derivatives will be closed today.

So the rest you close if you wish, but derivatives expiring July 16 cannot be traded from tomorrow so they will be forcibly closed if open at 3.15 pm today.

It’s better to avoid this situation so close them yourself to know the results of the trades.

Learn Conservative Option Course which you can do at your home.
