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Some Facts About Share Market And Myths Happening In India

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Everyone wants to trade and make money fast – this is fine, but everyone is looking to make a home run expecting to make 10-15% per trade. In this post you will learn that 10-15% per trade is impossible to make.

To try to make 10% a trade, a lot of gambling in stock market is going on and the result is obvious – they lose money. They just do not know what to trade and how to trade so they gamble. Stock markets do not work that way.

Actually its not their fault – there are a lot of misleading things happening online and offline. This is screenshot of a person taking an offline course in derivatives. See his fees (he promises huge returns from a single trade – more than 100%):

Of course please do not ask me the name – I will not reveal. Due to the greed of making xxx returns in a single trade I am sure a lot of people pay him for the course and repent.

Please note that such returns are impossible to make in stock markets – please do not fall in such traps.

Coming to some real returns from the stock markets. Lots of people believe stock trading can give unlimited profits. Please check facts on the ground. How many traders have made over 40% consistently for 10 years? Not a single retail trader till now. Yes some hedge fund managers have made good returns but if you average them out to three years the highest return is only 26.21% CAGR. Only the top 4 funds were able to clock over 20% annual return for three years. Here is the proof – list of top 100 hedge funds:


Here is the screen shot in case the website cease to exist:

Top 100 Hedge Funds

In other words if you make over 20% return consistently per year, your portfolio return will be inline with the best fund managers in the world. Expecting anything over 40-50% every year is expecting something that is NOT happening in this world of stock markets. My course will help you to make over 20% yearly returns consistently. This is a realistic expectation and possible. In fact returns up to 30% a year is possible from the bank nifty course due to its aggressive nature, but anything over that I do not promise. It will totally depend on your capabilities as a trader.

Here is one such trader who has made very good return in one financial year after doing my course:

60% Profit Using Just Strategy 1 In A Financial Year – Results may vary for users

60% Profit Using Just Strategy 1 In A Financial Year – Results may vary for users – Such a return is not possible every year.

Another problem is tip providers. They also promise huge. They call on you mobile and tell they can help you make a lot of money trading Intraday. They promise 2000-3000 everyday with 30000 capital. Really? That’s pretty insane.

I have just explained above that making over 40% consistently for 10 years is impossible. At least in today’s world no fund manager has done. Proof given above. Now 2000 profit on 30000 is a return of 6.66% in a day. This is 146.66% in 22 trading days in a month, which converts to 1760% in one year.

I will not say anything more than this. If someone is looking to make 1760% in a year from share markets then either they do not know how the stock markets work or they are an easy prey of tips providers. Its people like them who can be easily fooled by tip providers. If you do not believe me pay any tip provider and see how they will make sure you lose money trading intraday. Well even I am a victim of tip providers.

Moreover why do you want to take tips? Do you have no interest to learn to trade yourself? And for how long you want to depend on tips?

What I am trying to say is first think about saving your money while trading. Capital protection should come first – not capital appreciation. If you are trading with proper hedge then you are giving priority to capital protection – capital appreciation will also happen but slowly. My course is liked by many traders because I teach them what actually works in stock markets and how to protect their capital first. I teach them to be very conservative with their trades so that if there is a loss it does not pinch their pockets and of course the profits will be small but consistent.

These are the courses I offer:

Nifty Conservative Option Trading Course:

The above course is good if you have just started trading options. You do not need to see any charts,or you do not need to know any technical knowledge. You do not even need to constantly monitor the trades. And the best part is you do not need to try to find the direction of Nifty. Its 100% non directional and very conservatively hedging strategy. Approx 1 lakh 10 thousand is required to trade the strategy.

Bank Nifty Weekly Option Aggressive Strategies Course:

This course is good for advanced trading or in other words professional trading. These are high risk and high reward strategies with 100% aggressive hedging. If you want to trade aggressively futures and options you can do the bank nifty course. Here too technical charts are not required but slightly more monitoring is required than the Nifty strategy. There is one intraday strategy in this course. All other strategies are positional in Nifty and Bank Nifty. One strategy of Bank Nifty can be traded in stocks. Minimum required is 70-80k in the strategies.

If you are ok with reasonable and consistent returns you can do my course. If not, tomorrow when you lose a lot of money doing speculative/gambling trading you will realize the mistake of not doing my course earlier. You can find the fees and payment links in this page to enroll for the course:

If you enroll for the course do let me know. I will send you the materials to read today.

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INCOME DISCLAIMER: Any references in this site of income made by the traders are given to me by them either through Email or WhatsApp as a Thank You message. However, every trade depends on the trader and his level of risk-taking capability, knowledge and experience. Moreover, stock market investments and trading are subject to market risks. Therefore there is no guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. My aim is to make you a better & disciplined trader with the stock trading and investing education and strategies you get from this website.

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an Investment Adviser (IA). I do not give tips or advisory services by SMS, Email, WhatsApp or any other forms of social media. I strictly adhere to the laws of my country. I only offer education for free on finance, risk management & investments in stock markets through the articles on this website. You must consult an authorized Investment Adviser (IA) or do thorough research before investing in any stock or derivative using any strategy given on this website. I am not responsible for any investment decision you take after reading an article on this website. Click here to read the disclaimer in full.

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About the author: Dilip Shaw I started trading stock markets since 2007. However my first 3 years were losses. Then I dedicated almost 1 year on studying, researching, paper trading options and learned a lot in that time. Since 2011 I am trading Nifty options profitably. Call me if you need any help trading options on 9051143004.
