Read to know this article why it takes time to create wealth in stock markets because it is a business and every business needs time to grow and make money.
First something for my customers who have done my course: I feel that Nifty is going to be stable for some time now. After a lot of volatility stability comes. This is common logic.
Those who have done my course please enter the Strategy 1 as VIX also looks quite attractive.
17.36 is great VIX to enter this trade.
Those who are new and still doing paper trading can enter with one lot at least to learn in real markets how this strategy makes money over time and how there will be ZERO stress in trading.
I hate making money with lots of stress. What’s the point in making money if it takes too much of stress? I can’t always keep thinking about money I hate that. Ask any Intraday trader – they keep thinking only about money from 9.15 am to 3.30 pm and take a lot of stress to make a lot of money everyday. And whats the results? 99% of them lose money. What is the point in doing such a kind of trading, where stress is more money is less?
If you have not done my course please think again. I am not someone promising huge returns because making huge returns from markets every month is impossible. If it was possible then many traders would have made more than 10% returns every months since many years. But such a person does not exist because it’s impossible to make 10% return every month from stocks markets.
Just because you see one option that was selling for 10 going for 90 after a few days does not mean everyone knew when it was 10 that it will go to 90 one day. In fact not a single person on the Earth knew it – those who bought it must have sold it by the time it reached 20. This is pure fluke that’s the reason their very next trade takes away that profit of 10 points or even more. If it was not fluke they would have doubled their money in every trade – that does not happen. So profits are fluke, losses are also fluke. Basically trading without knowledge is pure gambling. It never makes money.
When that option which was 10 became 90, you knew it only after it happened not before that. But you fell for greed thinking you can convert your 10 lakhs into 90 lakhs every month. Your losses then starts. When you cannot even predict your own future how can you predict the future of an option?
So the only way to make money trading is to go slow and accumulate wealth over a long time. I guarantee, you cannot do it in a short time. I am saying good wealth that can change your life – something like 1 crore. It will take years to make 1 crore from trading – you cannot make it in months in fact in any business. So why do you think it’s possible in stock markets. Do not run after something that history has proven is the wrong path to make money.
In any business it takes time to make money and grow business. Stock trading is also a business and it will of course take time to make money. Live in a real world and you will be happy and making money. If you live in a virtual world you will keep losing money in the hope that one day you will make too much of money. Unfortunately that hope will remain always a hope, because that one day will never come. Even if it comes next day will again take away your wealth.
You can read about my course here and decide for yourself if it is worth it.
Also I do not have any marketing team like other companies. So if you call me I will talk to you but NEVER ever call you again if you do not buy my course. I am not a gold digger especially for money that comes without hard work. Who in the world gives support for 1 year for a mere 5000 rupees once paid? The reason is I want to see you grow and make money. That make me happy.
Also I can easily increase the price to 10,000 but am not doing it. The reason? I have full control over my greed and do not allow myself to charge huge amount. I only charge what I feel is correct. How many people think like that in this industry? And my customers love me for that because after years they paid a very small amount for a course that has started making them money.
Though we make less but at least we make money unlike others who promise to make 17 lakhs in one day from 1 lakh, then take your money and make sure that your 1 lakh also becomes zero. I am not one of them. If you believe me that’s good, if you do not I have no issues because it does not matter what people think about me, because I do not have any control over their thinking. What matters to me is is what I think about myself and what God thinks about me.
Thank You for reading.

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INCOME DISCLAIMER: Any references in this site of income made by the traders are given to me by them either through Email or WhatsApp as a Thank You message. However, every trade depends on the trader and his level of risk-taking capability, knowledge and experience. Moreover, stock market investments and trading are subject to market risks. Therefore there is no guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. My aim is to make you a better & disciplined trader with the stock trading and investing education and strategies you get from this website.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an Investment Adviser (IA). I do not give tips or advisory services by SMS, Email, WhatsApp or any other forms of social media. I strictly adhere to the laws of my country. I only offer education for free on finance, risk management & investments in stock markets through the articles on this website. You must consult an authorized Investment Adviser (IA) or do thorough research before investing in any stock or derivative using any strategy given on this website. I am not responsible for any investment decision you take after reading an article on this website. Click here to read the disclaimer in full.

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Dilip ji,
Learning points from this post :
The only way to make money trading is to go slow and accumulate wealth over a long time.
Plz correct the following line :
In 5th para from under Sub title ‘ 17.36 is great VIX ..’ :
‘In fact not a single person on the Earth new it – ‘
‘In fact not a single person on the Earth knew it – ‘ .
M S Rao
Sir done. Thank you very much for the work you are doing. I have high respect for you. 🙂
Your conclusions are also very valuable.
Hi Dilip
Kudos for the write-up After reading your articles time and again I have learnt that if you can control your greed 50% job is done and you can sure of not losing big money in stock markets.
We all know why India VIX is so high, does it make sense to enter strategy 1 after Brexit episode is over and VIX begins to fall, or we should enter immediately.
Yes you are right it is highly likely after the referendum voting and results comes out for the Brexit episode, VIX will fall. So enter strategy 1 now. Thanks.
I do not know how many read the article and of them how many will come to the comments section. BUT I am sure that GREED and trading like a blind man will NECESSARILY result in losses. The author’s analysis and advice to contain GREED are absolutely correct. I say that from experience. There may be few people who make that 10% per month but I think we should start with a modest 2-3% target ensuring that principal is not lost. I thank him for helping me in stopping or at least reducing the urge to click the buy or sell buttons.
Absolutely correct. In fact when I had no control on my greed from 2007-10 I lost 7 lakhs and that was 100% of my savings at that time. I had to take 1 lakh loan to survive and support my family. So I turned to knowledge and greed control. If my article doesn’t teach to control greed, markets will teach them. Thanks for the nice comment.
hi sir this was very nice article sir … even my mom also think like you borrowing knowledge from someone will not work out just like tips and she hate depending on others and the same thing she thought me also. she always think how those tip providers knew everything they are not fortune tellers and why they have to give tips for us ?and she knew it very well that they want to make money .so she never took any tips from any tip providers she don’t trust anyone and she was dreaming for a true person like you …. :)she was suffering mentally and could not trust anyone she was praying always for a right person to guide in the market finally she found you in this website and she told me to read it once. she was so happy by reading your articles and my mom was inspired first ..she tells that “god has sent me this person to go in the right path ” and that is you sir DILIP SHAW 🙂
Wow Priyanka,
This is so inspiring. 🙂
Tell Thanks to your mother. I started believing in hard work when I lost everything I had in greedy stock trading. My wife became an inspiration then – she told why you are becoming lazy and greedy? God hates both lazy and greedy people and why should they give money to lazy and greedy people like you when there are thousands working so hard to earn a living? They deserve more money than you. I cannot forget those words even today. So I thank her for showing me the right path.
From next day onward I started working hard to tell to Gods that I too deserve some money as I have started working hard and left greed far behind. So I prayed to God to give me what I deserve not a rupee more or less.
Since that day my life changed.
Yes I have learned in real life that knowledge and hard work is the only path to success nothing else leads there.
Thanks to your mother again.