In This Course, You Will Learn Safe & Fully Hedged Conservative Options Strategies For Small and Consistent Monthly Income
After taking this course, you will make small but consistent returns. Do not expect huge returns—that does not happen in stock trading. Anyone promising huge returns in trading stocks or derivatives, especially on social media, is fake.
Disclaimer: This is an educational course, not an advisory/tips-providing service. I have never given and shall never give any tips or recommendations to buy/sell stocks and/or derivatives and I highly recommend staying away from tip providers. I have lost more than 7 lakhs in paying for advisory services. The full disclaimer is here.
In all the strategies the strike selection, entry and exit will be explained. All strategies are fully hedged.
Course Content:
- Fully-Hedged Conservative Non-Directional Option Strategy – approx profit ₹2,500 on the margin of 50k or loss ₹1.2k. The success rate is 75%. Positional trade – it takes 7-10 days to get the profit. You have to see the trade just once a day which is enough to decide to book profits or hold.
- Multiple Lots Iron Condor (Professional way of trading Iron Condors) – approx profit ₹2,000 on the margin of 50k or loss 500-900. The success rate is 90%. Twice a day monitoring is enough. On 5 lakh approx 20k will be the profit.
- Credit Spreads (to be used as an adjustment to Iron Condor) – approx profit 5k per trade
- Find Stock Support for the Short Term (Using Moving Averages) – approx 2-3% return in 25-30 days
- Covered Calls – A great strategy where the stocks in your Demat account will give rental income
- Which Option to buy and for how long – for extra knowledge
- Identifying an opportunity to short Stock Futures with Hedge – 32k profit on 18k risk. Margin needed 65k.
Click Here to WhatsApp me for more information.
Click Here to Know the Course Fee.
If you are trading options and losing money, it is because you speculated, had no trade plan, traded on hope, took tips/advisory services or saw some strategy on social media and copied. All of this combined leads to losses, therefore doing a course is important to avoid losing money trading options.
This course will help you to learn well-planned and properly hedged options strategies. This will reduce your losses and make consistent profits. You will make 3% a month without stress, and also without monitoring the markets continuously. This course is for busy people who have a job or business.
How The Course Is Conducted?
I will send you well-explained strategies with examples in PDF files. All pages are important as they are action-oriented, not theory. You will have to read and ask me doubts via WhatsApp and start trading only when all the doubts are cleared. Within 2-3 days you will be able to understand the strategies and trade them.
There are many courses available today so why should you do mine?
Here are a few reasons:
1. Most course providers are on YouTube. YouTube content is not dependable as anyone can say anything and upload it on YouTube. Google’s technology is not so advanced that it can differentiate between genuine and bad content on YouTube. However, Google can distinguish between good and bad text. You have reached my website because Google knows this is a genuine website and has given it a good ranking in search engines. Bad websites never get a single visitor a day, however, I have seen pathetic videos on YouTube coming in rank no 1 in YouTube searches. Moreover, Youtubers do not have any proof of how their clients are performing. I have 200+ testimonials on my website. You can check them here.
100s of testimonials are still there with me which I will upload to my site in due course of time.
2. The so-called branded people charge upfront of 50,000 for a course. Compare this with my fee of 4k. Most of them teach technical analysis. You can learn technical analysis by just buying a good book. There is no need to pay someone to learn technical analysis.
3. Not sure about all but what I have heard from my clients is that after taking the course fee most of them do not respond to calls or help their clients when required. My support is there for one year from the date of payment. If you have any doubts about my strategy before trading just Emai/Call/ WhatsApp me and I will reply.
4. No one teaches hedging. Even if you are the best trader in the world – if you do not hedge one mistake can wipe out years of profits.
Important Information about the Course:
The minimum required to trade the strategy in this course is 50,000. Note that more than one option selling is required yet only 50k is required. This is as per this broker. You can open an account in under 5 minutes here.
Success rate: 80%, Reward to Risk Ratio: 2500 to 1500 3 wins out of 4 trades, so you keep 2500 money made from 3 trades out of 4, the rest is a small loss of 1500 which is not painful.
Return on investment (ROI): Average 3-5% a month
Risk: Limited to 1500
Click Here to Know the Course Fee.
Some Benefits Of This Course:
- Continuous monitoring is not required. You will not have to sit in front of your computer and keep watching the trades. Just watching 2-3 times a day is enough.
- All strategies are based on hedging so the risk is low. You will have no stress as losses if any will be 1.5% of the margin blocked for the trade. You will learn adjustments as well to get back the money lost if SL was hit in a trade.
- Winning ratio: 8 out of 10 trades will win.
- Profit to loss ratio 2:1 (If you make 2 rs you will lose 1 rs in case stop loss is hit).
- 50k minimum required for option strategy and 25k minimum required for the future strategy.
- You will be able to make your trades and manage them. Therefore, you will stop depending on tip providers.
- You will be able to scale the strategies because all the strategies are hedged limiting the losses.
- One Year Support on phone/email/WhatsApp for any queries/doubts you have on the course
Below is one testimonial from one of my clients who did the course. See his one-month profit – Rs.4.05 Lakhs – Your results may vary. Click on the image to enlarge and read it properly.

Testimonial by Ravindra from Pune – 10.65% Profit Intraday Rs.4.05 Lakhs in Directional Strategy of My Course – Results may vary for users
Profits After One Month

Rs.16.26 Lakh profit on Rs.38 Lakh margin blocked. 42.78% return in 5 trading days – Results may vary for users
Another testimonial he sent after one year of doing my course
Please note that the testimonial is from the aggressive strategy in the course. This will work even today – March, 2025.
After doing the course you will become a disciplined trader. You will know in advance before putting the trade what will be your max profit and loss. TIP: Your stop loss should be 50% of your profit target so that if you succeed twice you can fail four times yet you will not be a loser. The above rule is applied to all the strategies in the course.
My Conservative Options Course for Monthly Income has helped thousands of traders, since 2015, to trade profitably in Nifty / Stocks or any instrument where options trading is allowed.
What is a Conservative Strategy?
Conservative strategies are options strategies where the risk is low compared to the reward. In the first strategy, the risk will be 1500 vs 2500 reward with an 80% success rate. This is possible only via a hedge. A hedge works like a soldier to protect against any overnight volatility in the markets, therefore you are safe and can scale the trades. Scaling means trading with multiple lots.
TIP: If you are trading with high capital I suggest breaking down your trades into 2-3 parts (different strikes) especially if you do not know how to hedge. In my course, since all strategies are hedged, there is no need to trade at different strikes.
After trading for years and losing money initially, I understood the value of being conservative. Small profits can combine to make big profits in some time, just like small losses combine to make huge losses over the years.
This course will help you learn conservative trading. You will learn how to protect your capital from huge losses by creating a proper hedge and learning to properly hedge options, futures & equities for monthly income. You will be able to trade with peace of mind and make small but consistent profits every month. This course is not for someone who is looking to make huge profits in every trade as shown nowadays in social media, especially on YouTube & Telegram channels.
Once you become my client you will get paid emails for your entire life. These paid emails do not go to free newsletter subscribers. This can be an opportunity to invest in a stock or a trading idea.
Click Here to Know the Course Fee.
Here is the complete process of my course:
1. Once you pay I will send you the course materials for studying to your email.
2. You read and ask me questions via Phone/WhatsApp/Email to clear doubts.
3. Then you start paper trading and still can ask me questions.
4. After about 10 days when all your doubts are cleared you can start trading.
5. Since doubts can come anytime the support will be there for one year.
In a few days, you can start trading on your own. No need to depend on anyone once you are on your own.
How to Do The Course?
Click Here to Know the Course Fee.
Can you SCALE the strategies?
Yes. Scaling is trading with multiple numbers of lots – say 10, 20, 30 or 40. Any strategy that cannot be scaled is useless even if it makes a profit 80% of the time. When you trade stock markets you are entering into a business. What will you do with a small profit? It will not change your life. If you want more profits you need more money. So a strategy is good only if it’s scalable. All the strategies in my course are scalable., if you have more than 5 lakhs, there is one strategy in this course that will make a minimum of 15,000 or no loss. It’s a proper hedge.

Testimonial by a New Trader Doing Well
How to Do The Course?
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What is Hedge? A hedge is taking a second trade to hedge the original trade. Domestic Institutional Investors (DIIs), Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) & High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs) like Rakesh Jhunjhunwala always hedge their positions as markets are unpredictable and you do not know what will happen to your trades overnight – so it is highly recommended that you hedge your positions too to save yourself from huge losses overnight.
How many times have you traded options and futures and lost money? If you are trading on hope you are losing money. If you are trading direction you are surely losing money. Because when you cannot predict your future how can you predict the direction of a stock? What if you learn a trade where predicting the direction of a stock is NOT required? Yes, money can be made trading options and futures even without knowing or predicting the direction. It is called NON-Directional Trading. On top of that, there is a way to buy insurance for a trade to keep your capital protected.
How to Do The Course?
Click Here to Know the Course Fee.
Now some traders do my course and make such returns:
How to Do The Course?
Click Here to Know the Course Fee.
Why I Started This Website & Course?
I see that a lot of traders are fooled by tips providers / advisory services – me too – I lost 7 lakhs trading their tips and speculative trades myself from 2007-2010. Well no more, because I took to learning stock trading myself seriously and today am happy I lost that money because it was that failure that made me the person I am today.
- 100+ Testimonials
- About Me – Hint: From 2007 to 2010 I lost Rs. 7 Lakhs
- Reasons For My Loss – My Trading Mistakes
11 Reasons Why You Should Do This Course:
1. Technical Analysis Knowledge NOT required – Read to know why I do not believe in Technical Analysis. But it is good for Back Testing. See one of my clients did back testing on my strategies and he found it working well in all market conditions.
2. NO Software Required – Software can’t make money only humans can. Automated trading has failed many times.
3. Regular Monitoring is NOT Required – Stock trading is not watching stocks.
4. Continue with Your Job – Yes just because you are trading does not mean you have to leave your job.
5. Do Course From Your Home – Why go anywhere when due to the Internet we can still be connected?
6. 100% Hedged – This is PURE INSURANCE Trading.
7. Stress-Free Trading – Making money should not come with stress.
8. Scaling Possible – Scaling means trading with multiple lots and increasing the lots with time. As you age you will have more money, and if you are a good trader it is always better to trade with more money.
9. It’s a course not tips that you have to pay every month and lose.
10. FREE Support For ONE YEAR!!!
Testimonial by a Technical Analyst or an Expert Trader – Results may vary for users:

60% Profit Using Just Strategy 1 In A Financial Year – Results may vary for users:
He is the owner of a very popular trading software company:
Testimonial by Housewife Trader – Results may vary for users:
How The Course Is Conducted?
This is the first question traders ask me when they call me. I do not call anyone, traders interested in the course call me. And this is the first question they ask. Here is how the course is conducted:
Once you enrol for the course you will get all the strategies in your email. Your results may differ. You will get my support on Phone + WhatsApp + Email till you are successfully trading my strategies. You will get help to understand the strategies for One Year. You will get IMPORTANT emails with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful in trading my strategies. These emails DO NOT go to free subscribers.
How Much Can You Make If You Do My Options and Futures Course?
You see not all traders are the same. So some will get exceptional returns and some average. Like This – Ravi Excellent Trader Makes Rs. 16.26 Lakhs Profit in 5 Days – Results may vary for users. See the proof of 5 days of trading profits made by him:

Rs. 16.26 Lakhs profits on Rs. 38 Lakhs margin blocked. 42.78% return in 5 trading days – Results may vary for users
First Trade according to my strategy with amazing profits:

Testimonial by Ravindra – 10.65% Profit Intraday Rs.4.05 Lakhs in Directional Strategy of My Course – Results may vary for users
Click here to see his profits day by day. Please remember that results are typical and may vary from trade to trade. Such amazing profits are not possible in every trade. The trader has written about how he achieved such amazing results. Click here to read his white paper.
Very Imp Disclaimer: These results like 10.65% profit are typical and it’s not guaranteed that every trade will produce the same or similar results. However the hedging methods in the course will help you to take such aggressive trades even with a lot of cash because you know that capital protection is there no matter what. Smart traders will always make more.
Want to see more testimonials? I would request you to read testimonials and reviews of the course by real traders here – and see how they are making good profits. (Results may vary for users.)
Another trader who is not a full-time trader with amazing returns:
If you subscribe to this course, you will get his trade details and know how he made such a good return in such a short time.
NOTE: Mr Inder’s trade will be given as a bonus to all paid subscribers of the course on the same day along with all other strategies. Both Ravi and Mr Inder are still doing good with the directional but hedged strategies written in my course. As Mr Inder has no issues sharing his trade this is given as a bonus to all paid subscribers to improve their returns. His idea needs a little bit of practice, then you can improve your returns from trading this strategy. It may take some time but with effort, results will show.
NOTE: Mr Inder traded the conservative directional strategy in the course. 11% return in 1 trade is typical and may not happen in every trade. The testimonial was sent without asking for a comment. Mr Inder made a total profit of 37.8% on margin blocked. He made MORE when he was WRONG in his Future trade. If you take the course I will send his real trades for your learning and proof. Not every trade can bring such results. Your results may differ.
Before reading further please understand, that education helps for life not one or two days. By getting tips you not only lose money but also time. In the end, you learn nothing and get frustrated. Therefore education is more important than tips. How many people who have taken tips have become very rich in trading stock markets by taking tips? NONE. But people like Warent Buffet (the BEST stock trader the world has ever produced), are highly educated and never take tips. These people invest money only in knowledge to become better traders. You went to school for education, therefore you got a good job. Imagine the return on investment education gives. Today your six months’ salary is much more than your entire fee for school and college. This is the return on investment knowledge can give.
I have been trading options successfully since 2011. Before that, I was losing money trading the stock markets, because I lacked knowledge of trading. From 2007 to 2010 I lost more than Rs.7 lakhs which was 100% of my savings. I made a lot of mistakes while trading. You can read about my mistakes here and learn the common trading mistakes traders make. You can read some option strategies written by me here. All are written with real option premium provided by NSE at the time of writing. I also try to help my email subscribers trade well through my free newsletters for life which you can sign at the top of this page.
How to Do The Course?
Click Here to Know the Course Fee.
Conservative Hedged Options and Futures Course – Who Can Do This Course?
You can do the course if you just know the Basics of Options and Futures, like what margin is blocked when we buy an option and how much is blocked when we sell an option, how much is blocked when we hedge an option. What is the difference between buying and selling options, and what is Futures trading? This info is enough to do the course. No technical knowledge is required to do the course. Strike selection, when to enter and exit, all is well written in very easy-to-understand language in the course. Even if you do not know, email me after enrolling for the course and I will send you two great basic options links for more knowledge and better trading.
If you do not know the Basics of Options do not worry I will help you know the basics of options for free if you enroll for this course.
Why Should You Do This Course From Me?
Good question. When there are thousands out there selling their strategies why should you buy this course from me? I can understand your concern. I am a trader. I lost huge money trading – almost 7 lakhs at a time when I was going through financial difficulties. And to rub salt in the wound, I also lost my job. Once things got settled, I devoted my time to reading conservative option strategies. That made me a conservative trader. My profits are small, but at least I am making profits. Then to share my knowledge and to help traders make money, I opened this website. I am sure you must have read a few strategies written by me. If I can write such good strategies for free, there must be something better in my course. I offer support for one year for free because I want you to make money trading. I share some of the best conservative and aggressive strategies and to offer you support. One more thing, my 30,000+ newsletter subscribers trust me and I cannot afford to break their trust.
Note: I trade these strategies in a very different way than what is mostly found online or traders do. Proper entry and exit rules are defined and it’s done in a very disciplined way. That is why traders are making money.
You can start trading from any day, it has nothing to do with expiry. Technical Analysis knowledge is NOT required.
To know how this course can help you it’s best to Call/WhatsApp me on 9051143004. Feel comfortable and call, I am not one of those professional guys. 🙂
Please note that this was typical and it is not possible to get such a big return in every trade. Results can vary from trade to trade.
You can make profits in some trades even after hitting a stop loss like this one:
Disclaimer: Results may vary for users. Some make more some less but the idea is to learn, get an education and trade.
How to Do The Course?
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Your Benefits:
- Trade with Peace of Mind: You can trade without worrying about the stock markets. When you will put on a trade I will ask you not to look at Nifty for the next week. After that monitoring the trade once per day is required. Take time out for your life.
- Make Money Almost Every Month*: My goal will be to help you first reach a stage where you do not lose any money trading. Once that is reached you will start making small profits every month and then you can trade the directional trades that can bring very good returns. But this should be done when you are experienced in trading my strategies.
- No Need to Predict the Direction of the Markets: These are all non-directional trades which means you need not predict the direction of the markets. One-half of your money will be guaranteed profitable. The other half also will be most of the time profitable, else we manage the trade.
- No Technical Analysis Required: You do not need to know Technical Analysis. These things are for traders who do intraday trades or do heavy leverage on futures or stocks. For options risk management is more important than Technical Analysis. I do not know Technical analysis either but still trade profitably.
- Simple Trades Based on Logic: When you talk to me you will understand that there is a logic behind these trades and not Technical. And the logic is very simple to understand.
- Positional Trades 10-30 Days: We take a position for around 10 to 30 days to get a good profit. Which means everyday trading is not required.
- 100% Hedged: If by chance there is a loss in the trade, the other position will make a profit. You can sleep better at night because the losses are limited.
- Limited Profits or Limited Losses: Profits are limited, but come almost in every trade. Only a few trades (approx 2 in 10) will show losses – but we will manage it and make sure the losses are small and few.
- Trade Only 2-4 Times a Month: It’s obvious that if you trade less, there is no need to trade more than 2-4 times in a month. You can peacefully carry on with your job.
- No Need to Monitor the Trades Every Second: Since it takes some time before the profits start rolling in, there is no need to monitor the trades every second. Just once a day is enough. When it’s time to take profits we just close the positions.
- Course on Email: This is convenient for both you and me. You can take the course right there in your home whenever you are free. Phone/Skype consultation is also possible.
This course is good if you have a regular job or business and cannot monitor your trades every second. All are positional and 100% hedged trades. There is NO chance of a huge loss whatever happens.
How to Do The Course?
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Once you start trading these strategies you will learn to manage risk. Managing risk is the most important trading decision. You will learn to control greed and be a disciplined trader. Within a few months, you will be confident in options trading.
IMP: The course is based on logic not on magic. Once you take the course and understand the logic behind the trades you will understand why it makes money almost every time it’s played. This should work even years after you have taken the course. You only invest a small amount to get knowledge to trade profitably for life.
How to Do The Course?
Click Here to Know the Course Fee.
You get all the conservative strategies and a bonus trade where one of my clients made a 37.8% return in one month. (Your results may vary). You will get the course + support on email + phone + WhatsApp for 1 year. I offer support till you are successful in trading the strategies on your own and do not need my help. I will send the strategies to your email in PDF documents.
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the most common questions asked by traders.
Q 1. What is the accuracy of your strategies?
Ans – You see this is stock trading. Risk is there but because the strategies are properly hedged, risk is reduced considerably. Accuracy is 75-80%. Risk is low because it’s hedged and planned disciplined trading, therefore it gets reduced to 1-2% on margin blocked.
Q 2. How much return on investment can come into my trading account if I trade the strategies?
Ans – As written earlier: 3-5% per month.
Q 3. Is it for intraday or positional trading? If positional what happens in gap up or gap down the next day?
Ans – It’s not intraday, it’s positional. The strategies are properly hedged, so basically you become a broker. You lose in one hand and gain in another hand. It is only the difference that you pay. Sleep well in the night, do not worry. Proper hedging will take care of your hard-earned money. That is why even in a huge gap up or gap down, you will lose a maximum of 1-2% on the margin blocked.
Q 4. Does your strategy provide clear entry, exit, stop loss and risk management?
Ans – Yes it does. You are paying exactly for this. Strike selection (here is where most traders go wrong in options trading), Buy or Sell which strike, Call or Put, when to enter & when to exit with Profits, where exactly to take a Stop Loss, what to do after taking a Stop Loss to get your money back (Strategy 2), How to hedge options with options, How to hedge Futures with Options, etc.
A lot of things are there in the course to learn. The course aims to make you a good trader for life, not just one or two days.
Q 5. Can I make Options Trading as Full full-time business? If yes, then how much capital do I need to invest?
Ans – You see stock trading is a business like any other business. Even when you open a shop at least Rs.50 lakh is required. 3-5% per month is what you make on the blocked margin. It depends on how much you want to make per month to earn a living. Now this is a simple interest in mathematics. That said some traders, as you have seen above, like Ravi and Inder are doing much better. These kinds of students are doing better than me and make me proud. If you can also enter that league, it will be great, and you will also make me proud.
Q 6. How many returns can I expect consistently if I follow your strategy with all the rules?
Ans – Over a year, anywhere from 30% to 40% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). Please note that your results may vary depending on after doing my course, how good a trader you become.
Q 7. Is it true that some signal providers from some states have inside information? Therefore normal retail traders like us find it difficult to make money trading.
Ans – I do not know, nor am I interested to know who has inside information or not. All I know is that if you have proper planning and the correct method and knowledge to trade, no one can stop you from making money in trading.
Q 8. Maximum how much I can invest if I want to trade in nifty options?
Ans – Maximum investment is your choice, but to trade my strategies 50k is required.
Q 9. Can I trade anywhere or only in Nifty Options using your strategies? Because I want to trade Bank Nifty Weekly Options and Stock Options too?
Ans – You see the logic of the trade is important. Once you learn the correct method to trade you can trade anywhere whether it is Bank Nifty Weekly Options, Bank Nifty Monthly Options, or Stock Options.
Q 10. Is this refundable?
Ans – Yes and No. Not because I cannot offer you a refund, but because I will offer you something that has value. And value has a price. Gaining knowledge has its price. The money you pay is nothing compared to the knowledge you will gain from the course and what you will make from these trades in your life. Sorry by not giving a refund I can eliminate those non-serious traders. I don’t want people trading for fun to pay me, waste my time and theirs too and ask for a refund.
However, I only want very serious traders to do my course. I will be happy to talk and give a great service to traders who are serious about their money and trades. That said I will offer you a refund if you give me the real reason why you want a refund. This will help me to improve my service. However, you can ask for a refund within 7 days of paying for the course. Once a refund is processed my service to you will stop immediately.
Q 11. If I am unable to understand can I call you?
Ans – Yes, if you do not understand something and want to call please do so. Remember this is a paid service so please get the best out of me when we are talking. Ask questions and clear your doubts.
Q 12. I am not a technical person. I do not know technical analysis.
Ans – I am not a technical analysis expert either. The beauty of my strategies is that no technical or fundamental analysis knowledge is required. If you know the basics of options that is enough. Trades and not that complicated. Simple strategies make more than complicated ones.
Q 13. I am in a full-time job will I be able to trade using the strategies you provide?
Ans – Yes because all are 100% hedged and positional trades. You will get enough time to take out profits or take an SL. Once you take the course you will know when to get ready to take out profits. The average time for a trade to hit profit is 10-15 days. You only need to see the values of the trade once in the morning at around 10 am and once at around 2 pm and if everything is fine, you can continue with your job.
Q 14. I do not live in India nor have an Indian bank account, but I want to take this course. Can I avail of your service?
Ans – Yes. If you can trade online it does not matter where you live. You just need to know the strategies that I want you to learn. You can trade them in any stock market. All markets in the world behave the same. If you love trading options it does not matter whether you trade in India’s index/stocks or any other country’s. What matters is how much knowledge you have about options and your willingness to learn conservative trades.
Options trading rules are the same in any market in any part of the world. So even if you are trading RUT (Russell 2000), NDX (NASDAQ-100) or SPX (S&P 500 Index) you can trade these strategies. My guru traded RUT. Yes, I learned these strategies from a trader in the US. He was a market maker in COBE (Chicago Board Options Exchange). Now retired, he used to manage millions of dollars in trading accounts using the same strategies since the 1980s.
Q 15. I am not a rich man. I have little money in my Demat account.
Ans – It does not matter. If you have just 1 lakh in your account you can trade these strategies. Though, because the account size is small you will have to trade fewer lots. Once you gain confidence and experience, you should invest more money in your trading account to make more.
Q 16. I have a lot of money in my trading account. Can I invest crores in your strategies?
Ans – The best way to start learning any new strategy is to start with 1 lot only even if you are a crorepati. Remember whether it’s one lot or hundreds or lots, your first job is to understand the logic behind the strategies, know why they make money and if they lose then what’s your max loss, etc. Once the logic is clear you can start increasing the lot size. If you increase the lot size slowly, even if a stop loss is hit, a 1.5% loss will not damage your portfolio. Of course, you know this is a part of trading and you will recover your money. Within a few months, you should be able to trade with a huge account. By that time you will also get a good experience in trading these conservative strategies and you will not fear trading hundreds of lots.
Thank You for showing interest in Learning Conservative Option Trading Strategies. Conservative Trading is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It is a process that can earn you consistent returns in the long run. I can help you learn conservative option trading where profits will be less but consistent and you can grow your trading account with time.
Once you enrol for the course you will get all the strategies in your email within 24 hours once you decide to do the course. Your results may differ. You will get my support on Phone + WhatsApp + Email till you are successfully trading my strategies. You will get help to understand the strategies for One Year. You will get IMPORTANT emails with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful in trading my strategies. These emails DO NOT go to free subscribers.
If you want to ask anything about this course contact me or feel comfortable to Call/SMS/WhatsApp me on 9051143004.
Disclosures & Disclaimers:
Individual results may vary. Stock market investments are subject to market risk. You are advised to research thoroughly before investing in any stock, option, future or mutual fund. Information on this site and the course is for educational purposes and knowledge on finance and stock market trading only. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell any Stock, Option or Future. I am NOT a financial advisor or tip provider. I DO NOT give any tips in any form and DO NOT have any intention to give tips in future as well. I only give Stock Market Education in General and Derivative Trading Education in particular through this website. I have been reading and researching a lot on stock markets, futures and options since I started trading in 2007. Read about me here. Full disclaimer.

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COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT: Any act of copying, reproducing or distributing any content in the site or newsletters, whether wholly or in part, for any purpose without my permission is strictly prohibited and shall be deemed to be copyright infringement.
INCOME DISCLAIMER: Any references in this site of income made by the traders are given to me by them either through Email or WhatsApp as a Thank You message. However, every trade depends on the trader and his level of risk-taking capability, knowledge and experience. Moreover, stock market investments and trading are subject to market risks. Therefore there is no guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. My aim is to make you a better & disciplined trader with the stock trading and investing education and strategies you get from this website.
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